Example sentences of "would [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In a statement issued on July 2 Bush said that it would remain US policy neither to confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons , but that " where we 've said we do n't have those weapons on board , we mean it " .
2 In spite of his resignation , it was believed that Deng would remain China 's most influential political leader .
3 Hungary and the Soviet Union signed a trade protocol on April 18 providing that the Soviet Union would remain Hungary 's main trading partner ; however , Soviet exports to Hungary would decrease by 8.5 per cent and imports by 12 per cent .
4 ANY repeat of yesterday 's 24-hour strike over pit closures would consign Britain 's coal industry ‘ to history ’ , miners were warned last night .
5 She hoped it would throw Maurin off guard , persuade him she had come for a little of his flirtatious conversation at the least , a few more questions about Durance and Sabine Jourdain at the most .
6 She then swore that she would throw Dudley and his she-wolf into the tower .
7 However , listening to Tommy Horton & Co you would think Nick Faldo was fighting a war on our behalf .
8 I would think Mark knows that !
9 I would think Frank Clarke would probably give him another minute or so to see if he can run it off .
10 There is more to running a boarding house than ever you would think Minnie and hardest of all is the impossibility of finding reliable and trustworthy staff who are not forever thinking of themselves first in a way we would not have dared .
11 Some are based on a wrong premise : I remember a Labour one in 1979 which pre-supposed that the world would think Mrs Thatcher was a bogeywoman and said something like : ‘ The day you forgot to vote , Mrs Thatcher became the next prime minister . ’
12 I would think Andrew doing some
13 But with the wind behind Forest I I would think Leicester would be expecting a lot of pressure .
14 Dexter and she would deliver Urquhart there for his rendezvous at seven o'clock that morning .
15 She would deliver Arfur at eight fifty a.m. ’ magnificent in a black coat , black ankle-length dress and black leather boots , and reappear at three fifteen , leaning against the climbing frame in the same ensemble , garnished with a scarf or a single piece of jewellery .
16 This particularly infuriated Dermot , the pack leader , and sometimes he would knock Patsy about so badly that finally his father told him off , not for hitting the little boy , but because Patsy 's subsequent sobs kept Patrick Milligan senior from his sleep .
17 Under the treaty , a Scottish army would invade England , join up with the King 's followers , and then restore the King and impose these arrangements .
18 Sometimes the juvenile gangs from Coburg Street ( the ‘ Coburg Erin' ) who were Catholics , or the ‘ Young Cumbies ’ from the Cumberland Street , Protestants , would invade South Portland Street , a mainly Jewish section , with synagogue and Jewish Institute .
19 On the Labour side , what seemed to be a golden opportunity was not taken , nor was it when it first arose , namely to pin responsibility for the Gulf war , and the sufferings of British hostages in it , on the government 's blunder in not seeing that Saddam Hussein would invade Kuwait .
20 He would cover Scotland in a sea of flames , and teach those traitors a lesson they would never forget .
21 Mr Neal has offered his own bill to check the Fed 's independence but only by requiring it to adopt policies that would eliminate US inflation , now in the 5 per cent range , by 1994 .
22 The publication also highlighted how the various options for reform would affect Lothian .
23 The financial and commercial integration of the European Communities ( EC ) would affect Monaco indirectly through the bilateral accords which regulated its customs and monetary union with France .
24 The Scottish Constitutional Convention , which I have described in the past as the Labour party at prayer , failed to address any of the substantive issues that would affect Scotland 's representation in the House if its proposals came into effect .
25 The reorganisation would affect Olivetti 's office and systems division , where margins are very thin and overheads are high , and would also aim to cut the bureaucratic burden on the company , concentrating the administrative functions into new centres to serve several subsidiaries , the sources said .
26 Simon spoke carefully as if unsure of how his words would affect Merrill .
27 Mr. Bill Walker : I have made it clear that I would not be unhappy if Stagecoach ended up with the Strathtay area , but that I would prefer Strathtay bus company .
28 He told the King that he would prefer MacDonald to remain in office in order to carry out the necessary programme of economies ; but that if he failed to carry enough of his colleagues with him , then the best alternative would be for MacDonald to head a National Government containing members of all three parties .
29 I would prefer America rather than France , Germany or ourselves to be the nuclear power .
30 Asquith 's fall was the result of his own miscalculation , especially of his reluctance to believe that the Unionists would prefer Lloyd George to himself in a contest .
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