Example sentences of "what [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The vast majority of what are generally called well-educated persons in this country have , in the very process of their education , been impressed with the belief that metre is an arrangement of language which can be judged by the application of a mechanical test , and that the poet who produces a line which does not answer to the test is a fit subject for correction by any critic who can point out the discrepancy .
2 The examples do not identify the article or journal concerned , but each example has happened to me or my coauthors during submissions to what are generally regarded as quality journals .
3 In prayer-rug designs this arch-shaped form is usually found at the top end of the composition , although it is sometimes employed at both ends in what are generally referred to as " double-ended " prayer rugs ( pls. 17 and 18 ) .
4 Legitimacy … does not deal so much with whether activities of government are lawful as whether they accord with what are generally perceived to be or what have for long been held up to be , the fundamental principles of the constitution according to which government is or ought to be conducted .
5 Cold water fish and then er what are generally known as tropical fish which are basically fresh water tropical fish , and maybe this last fifteen years or so , er a step up from that they 've gone onto tropical marine fish .
6 Because it straddles ( though less symmetrically than its title implies ) what are generally conceived as two distinct musical periods , this fine study will probably be selected only rarely as ‘ essential ’ reading for a history course , given that such courses almost invariably observe the traditional boundaries .
7 The second kind of activity is handled by what are generally called " database management systems " .
8 The fact that we already participate in certain ways in what are effectively rationing decisions does not constitute an argument for greatly increasing the scope and visibility of that role .
9 On the other hand , Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have recently re-formed their agricultural regimes with such rigour that they now have what are effectively free markets in farming .
10 It is possible that these 16 treatment comparisons across blocks are of much less interest than the 12 within-block comparisons and we can be satisfied with what are effectively two separate four-plot experiments .
11 What he means is that the success of what are elegantly called ‘ front-end ’ authors like Archer and Clancy pulls the other , presumably ‘ rear-end ’ , authors in its wake .
12 We find three trips , all of a rather dubious nature , to attend what are officially described as Conferences on European co-operation .
13 In one case , however , a misunderstanding of what are admittedly very unclear social security regulations meant that the minimum period was twice as long as would have been necessary to satisfy this objective .
14 And it 's my view , you see , that this ought to be more central to our planning and thinking about these things in allocating erm what are admittedly scarce resources .
15 The birds arrive on the cliffs in January and February and stay until June or July , and what are presumably the same birds are recorded right along the coast .
16 Not un-naturally Tony Blair and the Labour Party have sought to make political capital out of what are pretty damning figures representing a turnaround of frightening speed and proportion .
17 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
18 To see the five early seventeenth-century working miniature firearms from the workshop of Michel Mann of Augsburg and Nuremberg , a rare mechanical calculator made by Johann Schuster in 1822 , a German Royal hunting knife made in Berlin in 1699 by Jaques Munier , and a pair of mid-eighteenth-century four-light candelabra ( attributed to Christian Heinrich Ingermann ) made for Augustus III , Elector of Saxony alongside what are traditionally regarded as archetypal ‘ German ’ and ‘ Austrian ’ works , such as paintings , watercolours and prints by the German Expressionists , does indeed focus the mind on the manifold contributions to the history of art made by artists of the German speaking countries .
19 ( vii ) We follow current grammatical theory and practice in treating as clauses what are traditionally called participial , gerund , and infinitive constructions ; for example " Eating people is wrong " , " a woman destined for greatness " , " I 'm sorry to hear it " .
20 The audience for the Library 's exhibitions was drawn very largely from what are traditionally considered ‘ middle class ’ occupational groups , and almost half of it ( 47% ) was composed of academics , students , and the retired .
21 An analysis of their replies showed clearly that the great majority of them came from what are traditionally considered ‘ middle class ’ occupational groups , and that academics , students , and retired people ( the majority of whom were retired professionals ) accounted for just under half of all visitors .
22 Procedures is sometimes used for what are here called routines and sometimes to indicate all the operator 's information support except software .
23 What are also being explored in this paper , although tangentially , are ways of establishing and understanding data about workers ' feelings regarding work .
24 Stop imagining things what are n't true ! ’
25 What are n't they doing ? ’
26 The UN will provide legitimacy for what are little more than acts of international piracy and entirely consistent with the new world order strategy of ‘ destroy and abandon ’ .
27 What are equally challenging and will be considered here are some of the wider issues implicit in the case .
28 Elsewhere , Duncanson tempers his wide-ranging criticism of French rule with strictures on the incompetence and dishonesty of the mandarinate in Tonkin and on the lack of civic virtue of the educated professional class of Vietnamese ; but to this theme of what he calls ‘ political disabilities ’ Lancaster adds what are equally heavy economic burdens .
29 The only English team in Scottish football has had a dramatic season , not least because a former chairman best not named for what are darkly known as legal reasons faces charges of stealing over £60,000 from club coffers .
30 The realities of modern medical technology have made it possible for doctors to extend the process of dying through the use , for example , of what are colloquially , but perhaps inaptly , called ‘ life-support ’ machines .
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