Example sentences of "will do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If we do n't get the last meadow itself it will do for bedding .
2 We 'll just have to see what a course of ECT will do for him . ’
3 It 's amazing what some men will do for a meal ticket .
4 ‘ I think that will do for today … ’
5 ‘ Just the brandy and beef will do for now .
6 Never mind , it will do for next year . ’
7 There are no words to describe the profound horror of these beasts , but ‘ aaaaaargh ! ’ will do for now .
8 Thames Water has a code of practice which lets you know what we will do for you .
9 ‘ Good God , ’ said this devout Welshman , ‘ this will do for many of the Navy boys worse than the sinking of their own ships , they will have no wives and children to come home to ! ’
10 ‘ It will do for starters , ’ Yanto replied , and ordered two pints of half and half cider from the young pleasant-faced landlord .
11 ‘ I 've enough pocket-money left to see me through Christmas , and the silver money will do for clothes and so on .
12 If you have a pattern that will do for an ordinary machine I would be very grateful .
13 I concede that it will do for judging in retrospect the spontaneity beyond the margins of my rationality , as when jumping like an instinctive animal for the side of the road , and for such primitive choices as the child 's refusal of another helping ; but I continue to insist that at the centre of me I differ from the child in having escaped being restricted to choice between spontaneous goals .
14 ‘ There 's nothing that one dose will do for you that two wo n't do better ! ’
15 ‘ We were looking forward to going seven points clear for Christmas but four will do for me at this stage . ’
16 You would n't make a special cake as a present with long out-of-date flour and stale eggs so do n't think that any old ingredients will do for making a pressed flower picture .
17 And only freshly pressed apples will do for our apple juice .
18 Amdahl says its own effort will do for the top-end of the Unix market what Novell Inc and Unix System Laboratories Inc are doing for low-end and desktop Unix .
19 The case of DEC is tantalising : either the Alpha will do for the company what the VAX 8600 — quickly supplanted by the VAX 8650 — did for it in the 1980s , and the vast installed base of VAX machines will be replaced by Alpha AXPs , giving the company three years of fantastic growth that propel it to $25,000m , or the desperately late Alpha and the new OpenVMS will turn out to have too many bugs and glitches to be trusted , in which case , DEC will be trotting off after IBM .
20 Amdahl hopes its part of the exercise will do for the top-end of the Unix market what Novell Inc and Unix System Laboratories Inc are doing for low-end and desktop Unix .
21 Quite ordinary sardines will do for this . "
22 While many users have developed joyous fantasies about what a 256 megabit DRAM will do for them , others are somewhat concerned about whether an alliance between these three giants will adversely affect the performance of the DRAM market .
23 we want to know from you , when only fish and chips will do for you .
24 Fish and chips , when they will do , only when they will do for you .
25 We 'd like you to tell us when fish and chips will do for you .
26 That will do for another time . ’
27 When he has shot and eaten his final prisoner , he begins to worry what he will do for food ; but fortunately a seaplane arrives at this point and rescues him .
28 ‘ Not very imaginative , and I do n't expect the accommodation will be marvellous , but it will do for one night . ’
29 Now I want you to find something that will do for guns and fur caps and a saucepan for Emily to cook wolf stew in — ;
30 ‘ It would be nice to start with a win , but a draw will do for me ’ — ANDY ROXBURGH
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