Example sentences of "will give we " in BNC.

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1 ERS , with its microwave sensors , will give us the best view we 've ever had . ’
2 ‘ The reason the auditors will give us trouble , Mike , is that they have to certify that our accounts give a true and fair account of the financial state of the business .
3 That will give us a breathing space to sort things out .
4 The Landrat of Ebermannstadt in Upper Franconia , frank as usual in his comment , reported that people in his area Were too careful to say such things as ‘ Hitler will give us no peace till everything has had it ’ , but said instead ‘ there wo n't be any peace before … ’ , and meant the same thing .
5 We must n't make buying things a substitute for developing the skills that will give us real and lasting confidence in ourselves .
6 And I know you will give us an excellent piece . ’
7 We have tried to make the questions simple but comprehensive so that it wo n't take many minutes to fill in but your answers will give us a good idea of what is wanted and what is not .
8 ‘ It was like , well , these groups have all got together and thought ‘ Well , we 'll get these haircuts and these clothes and it will give us a concept that people can grab hold on to straight away ’ .
9 The miners ' strike will give us an opportunity to discuss the militarization of the police , one of the most noticeable as well as one of the most controversial trends of recent years .
10 Those guests who will give us the opportunity to welcome them to our hotels for many years to come .
11 If we can do that and if we can hold the dam , as it were , for a few more years , that will give us time to assemble the ethical arguments against whaling , and to get them diffused further in the world .
12 Instead of copying on y 1 , we first create a new value to represent y at time 0 , December 1983 ; this will give us a value on either side of y 1 so that it can be smoothed .
13 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
14 With all these suggestions we are putting forward minor hypotheses which we would like to test , because added together they will give us answers to our initial broad hypothesis about baptism .
15 ‘ PF4 may also be too toxic for use in humans , ’ says Folkman , ‘ but it will give us a scientific lead to other compounds that might stop tumour growth . ’
16 If all those [ computer ] models do work , it will give us a lot more confidence working on all those other problems , ’ ( Science News , 21 August 1982 , p 121 ) .
17 The performances are recordings and uniformly excellent , and the music certainly did n't deserve its half century of neglect , So one hopes that Harmonia Mundi will give us more Zeisl : there are Sonatas for violin , viola and cello , a goodly quantity of songs , and a fair amount of orchestral music , as well as two operas and three ballets .
18 But he will give us the feeling that though the character has not been explained , it is explicable , and we get from this a reality of a kind we can never get in real life … .
19 And the libel action , if it comes to trial , will give us valuable national publicity if properly handled .
20 Warned Dorigo : ‘ We have n't lost faith in our ability and if we can beat Blackburn and Norwich , it will give us the best possible launching pad for the second half of the season . ’
21 Manager Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ The game will give us a decent idea of what he is like . ’
22 It will give us the lift we need to get back to the Premier League . ’
23 ‘ Our commitment to EDI will give us a strong competitive advantage , ’ says Eddie Bell , ‘ but we 're not exactly overburdened by customers that we can deal with yet . ’
24 It has been very quiet on the sales front so I hope this will give us a boost . ’
25 ‘ They will give us nothing without a problem on Saturday and every mistake we make will be punished more quickly and more heavily than any Five Nations opponents would manage . ’
26 The near future will give us the answer .
27 It is priceless in terms of the knowledge it will give us ’ .
28 The information we gather will give us months of future material to work from — there will be opportunities both indoors and out to expand our notes into larger works if we wish .
29 Our local guide will give us an unrivalled insight into places of interest and bird habitat .
30 VLIW technology running on Sparc will give us other markets to break into … and it 'll be great for Solaris too , if it is binary compatible . ’
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