Example sentences of "will be and " in BNC.

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1 But the faster the upswing , the more bunched replacements will be and the sooner a new crisis will loom on the horizon .
2 The more high-powered the job the more detailed these questions will be and the better prepared you will need to be to answer them .
3 Tell the interviewee what the next stage in the process will be and when .
4 Meaning is closely associated with choice , so that the more obligatory an element is , the less marked it will be and the weaker will be its meaning .
5 I have a very good idea who they will be and the bets are already placed , so for a bit more inside information , watch this space .
6 Who knows what the exact situation will be and what problems will arise as those changes are forced upon the Scottish people who did not want them in the first place ?
7 ( 3 ) A licensing board may consider any application made to it under paragraph ( b ) of subsection ( 2 ) above at any meeting of the board held not earlier than 14 days after the making of the application and shall affirm the provisional grant if the board is satisfied that the premises , if completed in accordance with the plan mentioned in that paragraph , will be and convenient for their purpose and that the said plan does not deviate materially from the site plan and description of the premises lodged under the said subsection ( 2 ) .
8 Find out what the charges will be and exactly what they cover , for example ‘ Is there an extra charge for chiropody ? ’ .
9 Rationality of expectations implies that if equation ( 6.4 ) adequately describes the process determining then for each country the anticipated rate of growth of aggregate demand will be and the unanticipated rate of growth will be in any period t .
10 The astrology program provides detailed information as to the position of the planets on a given date , information on what the likely personality and interests of a person born on a given date will be and finally information on rising signs .
11 The astrology program provides detailed information as to the position of the planets on a given date , information on what the likely personality and interests of a person born on a given date will be and finally information on rising signs .
12 To build up a more stable relationship , rather than simply seeing how much time the work took and charging by the hour , we have all had to come to terms with pricing in a market , giving a clear idea what the budget will be and taking much more care to explain what we 're charging for .
13 My players know how hard it will be and they are ready for the challenge . ’
14 The purchase price will be and the maturity value will be M = 100 .
15 I do n't yet know what their comments will be and I ‘ m not trying to influence them in one direction or another .
16 The more samples taken , the smoother and less stepped the representation will be and the better quality of the sound .
17 In other words , we do not yet know who these retailers will be and who , therefore , will be adding £2 billion to their gross contributions .
18 Oh yes , it will be and it 's , it 'll be in the list , the list of what should be in the master job file .
19 There is a large area of new build around where the southern fire station will be and I do say will be because it will be .
20 What there will be and nor will on on the other hand , nor will there be any forks .
21 ‘ We have got to get the system changed , it 's crazy to forecast what dentists ’ expenses will be and then adjust them afterwards .
22 ‘ I do not know what the final outcome will be and would stress that there is no obvious solution at this point , but at least we now have adequate time to look at all the alternatives . ’
23 LILLESHALL WEEKEND is definitely on — HOORAY ! ! from Friday 12/14th October — Staff will be and — Cost Residential — £70 Saturday — £12 and Sunday — £10 .
24 Please note that her telephone number after the 26th January will be and her new address is : — .
25 You ca n't , one flat 's not gon na be responsible for having the hall lit up all night long which it will be and then length of time , unless it 's on a timer switch .
26 it is , I said I 've given you a lot of time in the holidays and what have you come in and now you 're making a big song and dance about an hour and she said oh I 'm sorry I did n't mean to speak to you like that , but she did , she was just plain rude and really quite nasty , eh she should of yeah , and she should of told me that I was n't , becomes taking a lunch break and then she said well you could of taken half an hour , I said you did n't tell me well I said to her Matt rung up this morning and said to you , surveyor 's coming up to , at four o'clock , he wants both of us to be there so we know which way the windows will be and all the rest of it , just bear in mind , now I said to her I know it 's short notice but can I please go at four o'clock , she said yeah it is short notice but yeah no problem come in at eight o'clock tomorrow morning as a joke and then she totally changed her attitude when she came back from her thing mm yeah oh yeah that was nice of her well I said to her , I said to her oh I said to her look she would take
27 and he always will be , Jim Davidson said , said about Bernard Manning , he painfully said er , er Bernard Manning is , is , the best stand up comic in this country and probably always will be and he turned to Jim Davidson , big headed bastard , and he goes no
28 Twenty eight now it will be and thirty four from the hospital .
29 Find out how much foal registration fees will be and whether or not you need to join any breed society .
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