Example sentences of "there was a " in BNC.

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1 In those days there was a small core of paid research staff who were responsible for a large number of countries — if you did the Soviet Union , you were also responsible for Eastern Europe and half of Western Europe as well ! ’
2 I am thankful and happy that there was a strange and foreign soul caring about the destiny of a political prisoner in East Germany … when we passed the border last night , I just cried . ’
3 A guide to art reference books published in 1969 had 2,500 entries , some of which referred to series ; for example , there was a single entry for the series of monographs on individual artists , called Klassiker der Kunst , also published in French as Classiques d'Art , in which there are thirty-eight books .
4 In her mind there was a set of events which includes reading about a work of art and looking at it .
5 There was a crucial sequence .
6 He asked questions , and between his questions and the painter 's answers , there was a discovery of the painting itself .
7 Even more , there was a sort of mimesis between Fénéon and the artist . ’
8 There was a healthy demand for prints and postcards , which added to his income from the arrangements he had with photographers and agencies .
9 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
10 There was a time when it must have seemed to many of them that he would never receive a bad review , or even a cross word .
11 But the passage certainly suggests that there was a distance between Levi 's view of Israel and the views that Commentary chooses to publish .
12 And yet there was a work of survival to be attempted in the camps .
13 They could not be let into it , but there was a duty to entertain them , and , as I was told , not to stare .
14 Bernard Shaw once described Romeo and Juliet as ‘ the impetuous march of music ’ , and if ever there was a play of rich language , this is it .
15 Perhaps some of the voice teaching was repetitive in the second term , but when there was a change in voice tutor who developed pieces of your own choice rather than just vocal exercises the whole thing came alive and interesting .
16 There was a lot of concentration on the voice and good diction .
17 Within the ranks of the clergy and religious orders themselves , there was a far from complete , centralized structure , but rather a dual one .
18 The biggest percentages favouring the proposal occurred in the urban centres , particularly Dublin and Dublin County , where there was a slight margin in favour .
19 The absence of a non-Roman catholic school in the immediate area and the naïve belief that they were empowered in some way to have a say in what type of school should appear on their housing estate — there was a small Roman catholic school which was to be expanded to cater for the growth of the population — may have sharpened catholic parents ' interest in having an integrated school .
20 perhaps if integrated schooling were more widespread in the North , more protestant voices would be heard against it , particularly if there was a possibility that a nun or priest might show up as a teacher in such an integrated school .
21 There was a group among former Roman catholic school pupils who exhibited a more intense level of practice , but these were also children of fervent Roman catholics .
22 Without the materials , he wrote , without the paints and the brushes , the pencils and the paper , above all without the panels of glass , there could have been no beginning , and I want to record here , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , that there was a beginning , at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday 27 July 1967 .
23 Even in the plan , though , I now realize , he wrote , there was a certain vagueness about the right hand side of both panels .
24 If only there was a way for each viewer to leave his mark .
25 There was a chorus of agreement .
26 There was a sudden silence .
27 There was a short silence now in which anyone with good enough hearing to detect a pin-drop would have detected the sound of hundreds of little grey cells jostling and barging each other in frantic efforts to arrive at a perfect understanding of the day 's events .
28 Peony looked suitably chastened , but there was a glint in her eye that told Peggy there was plenty more she could say , and would say , if it were n't for the fact that she adored the Vicar with a passion that bordered on the obsessive .
29 There was a shriek from the group of six women who stood back against the side of the tent .
30 There was a cherry on your cake , too , Dorothy , ’ Mrs Venables said , accusingly , to Mrs Feather .
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