Example sentences of "all [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If their babies are to thrive , they must have a cave that is warm , humid and with a temperature that varies hardly at all between day and night .
2 The best fit of all between theory and reality comes , however , when Gilliland adds the third factor , solar variability .
3 When in the eighth century the Saxon saint Guthlac penetrated the heart of the Fens to found Crowland Abbey , he was described by the monk Felix of Crowland as encountering demons in the wilderness , which ‘ came with such immoderate noises and immense horror , that it seemed to him that all between heaven and earth resounded with their dreadful cries ’ .
4 Or the line could be denying that there is any contradiction at all between truth and feigning ( poetry , Sidney claimed in his Defence , could make true fictions ) .
5 Durkheim ( 1893 ) , in his discussion of the ‘ abnormal forms ’ of the division of labour , long ago drew attention to what he regarded as a condition of ‘ anomie ’ in the sphere of production , characterized by the absence of a body of rules governing the relations between different social functions — above all between labour and capital — and saw as both probable and desirable a growing normative regulation of industrial relations .
6 Some critics of the NAIRU concept hazarded that , if there was any connection at all between unemployment and inflation , it was likely to run from changes in the unemployment rate to changes in the rate of inflation .
7 There are many variations all through South America , and of course here in Central America it is different again , particularly in Mexico . ’
8 off the grant , so that actually they get six weeks money less , through the year , than they should do , where they 're used to paying all through year
9 And the sketches and the readings take , er take us all through literature from the eighteenth century to present day , and they , they 're just readings and sketches from that , which I do n't , I have n't actually seen it and I do n't know what it 's going to be , but I 've every confidence that whatever Edward Fox , Dorothy Tutin and Freddie Jones do , it will be quite superb in these events
10 For the young , there must have existed an inherited inborn enjoyment of life , for it can fairly safely be assumed that the pleasure experienced by them when at play , so obvious to modern man , must have been observable all through evolution .
11 ‘ I used to be called Shorty all through school because I am so small .
12 She would never have told her about Adam staying at the farmhouse at all through choice , but Candy was a regular visitor .
13 I do not recall much of the plot but all through childhood and beyond I have remained haunted by vivid remembered images : little leprechauns in mad underground celebration dancing round pots of gold , leaping over plundered treasures ; Michael and Katy skipping hand in hand through the fields ; the jaunty , laughing , Guinness swilling , devil may care Darby with his pub stories , his sideways philosophy and his battles of wit with the wily King Brian of the leprechauns ; but mainly , and most frighteningly , the dreaded death coach with its headless coachman come to call Darby 's soul on the one way trip to hell .
14 The ideal way would be to call your own death , to fear it all through life , and then reach an age where fear disappears , when you could say , ‘ I 'm ready now .
15 There is a need to go on being touched , to receive affection and recognition in this way all through life .
16 M. You ca n't go all through life trusting no one .
17 It was the same look she 'd directed at the men all through lunch and they 'd loved it .
18 Do we have to have that on all through lunch ?
19 There have been grade-A hypocrites all through history .
20 ‘ Lovers all through history have consistently screwed up their lives . ’
21 He continued testing me all through breakfast .
22 The lecture had kept her mind occupied all through breakfast , and had contained a great deal of sound advice on the best method of dealing with fitzAlan , which had not included embracing him as if he were in truth her husband .
23 It will continue all through marriage as long as it has a good foundation of friendship .
24 Mr Wormwood had to keep his hat on all through supper in front of the television .
25 Only thing she were n't chuffed about is she could n't cash cheque , it had to go all through bank and everything .
26 The party atmosphere went on all through dinner , prevailed through a short scene put on by Zak to explain that the Mountie had been left behind in Winnipeg for investigations on the ground and heated up thoroughly afterwards with more unsteady dancing and laughter in the dome car .
27 He talked all through dinner .
28 KATE could n't make up her mind all through dinner whether Ace was playing a deep game with her or had decided that as she was available , so to speak , he intended to continue making love to her .
29 He assiduously avoided her glance all through dinner , and as soon as the coffee was served he got to his feet .
30 ‘ Yes , it was beautiful , ’ Damian said , mouth sardonic , and so it went on , the two women vying for his attention all through dinner as the lights of Aberdeen harbour , on the far side of Hong Kong island , gleamed across the water and night fell .
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