Example sentences of "if her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is as if her costumes were the reasons for her being there .
2 She seems , in all her sublimity , to depreciate nature itself as if her whistling , likened to singing , were better and even more melodious than ‘ bird-song ’ .
3 To the first readers of Middlemarch , however , an elaboration of her plans might have seemed redundant , for if her ambitions were unusual in her own time , they were routine responsibilities by the 1870s .
4 She felt now that her future was settled : her uncle would soon go away to sea ; Tristram would be freer to be seen in her company and perhaps , if her prayers were answered , they would be able to persuade Aunt Ann to let them be married .
5 The boy and the dog skirted round opposite sides of the puddle , the boy , a light , tall fourteen-year-old , labouring in wellington boots too large for him , and the dog , a three-year-old Labrador bitch , picking her way reluctantly , with frequent pauses , as if her paws hurt .
6 But , ‘ No , ’ Lubor replied , every bit as if her question was an everyday one .
7 If her smile was n't quite as enchanting as usual , her vivacity a little bit forced , it went quite unnoticed by the happy , laughing group that returned to the house .
8 ‘ Good morning , Mr Massingham , ’ she pulled herself sharply together to greet him , if her smile had faded then hoping at least to keep pleasant and civil .
9 He replied , ’ the only possibility was if her honour was threatened . ’
10 I asked her if her work at college had forced or stimulated her to think about school in general , and what it is for .
11 Her devastated husband Robin , an engineer , said : ‘ If her work was a factor , it was only one among others .
12 If her work was a factor it was only one among many .
13 There is also the question of your sister 's reputation if her part in this , er … concealment were ever to be made public .
14 He did n't know whether to wake her , or even if that was possible if her sleep was so deep that she could crouch in a corner , weeping , and not wake herself .
15 Her solar had also been much improved , as if her commissioner had expected more of her than her designers .
16 She did not know if her efforts would save for him at least something from the wreck , poor Benedict .
17 If her treatise was to fulfil the expectations raised by its prologue , she must make this difficult passage now — though it was , at times , an agony merely to remain seated at her desk .
18 Pascoe felt a little rush of lust , as if her appetite had just caught up with him .
19 And what is the poor woman to do if her water heater is already turned off ? ’
20 Sometimes a baby inherits an inability to use her eyes together and if her vision is equal in both eyes , the squint can alternate from one to the other .
21 The rabbi explains the custom by saying that Israel 's cup of joy can not be full if her triumph involves suffering , even for her enemies .
22 Whatever she [ mother ] needs , it 's there regardless … if her money did n't amount to whatever she needed , she would get it , even if I had to borrow for it , she would get it from somewhere .
23 It sounded as if her plans had changed at the last minute and , embarrassed by all the trouble Andrew had gone to on her behalf , she had taken the easy way out by returning the keys without a message .
24 If she 's got any sense and if her counsel has briefed her properly , she 'll get out her handkerchief and sob " Oh yes , sir .
25 If her complexion were any guide , she had drunk several glasses of wine already , and was talking to Leroy Burns .
26 Ethel , who could n't tell a flat from a sharp , playing as if her fingers were croquet mallets .
27 Several inches of intricately patterned knitting hung from her needles , she saw with satisfaction , almost as if her fingers had worked independently while she listened .
28 She knew she was trembling and wondered if her agitation was visible to him .
29 Her head was bent and her shoulders drooped as if her fears had been only partially allayed .
30 Outside Phoebe 's open bedroom door Rachel paused , wondering if her daughter had heard the explosion and responded to it .
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