Example sentences of "if [noun prp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Especially to those under the enchantment of love , ’ he answered , and Fabia experienced a need to discover if Ven himself knew or had ever known that enchantment .
2 If Peggy herself had had one tenth of such devotion from her father she would have had a happier time as a child .
3 It was as if Marc himself were some sort of electrical power source .
4 She was naked , laid out with as much care as if Anubis himself had done it . ’
5 Awarded a vast and sudden insight , as if Valiance himself had spoken the words , Dauntless knew that the ghosts were more than mere spirits of dead people .
6 So if Teclis himself is on the battlefield , no other character may be equipped with the Sword of Teclis .
7 The appearance of her ‘ rival ’ so encouraged Penelope that it was as if Rupert himself had come out of his house and made her a declaration of love .
8 At first glance , it might seem as if Althusser himself gave up history and tried science instead .
9 Currently this may seem unacceptable as well as unlikely , but may no longer be so if Israel itself experiences military and economic recession .
10 But if Martha herself had sent her , what hope was there left for him .
11 If Emerson had had the finance to develop a team properly , if his brother had been a better manager and if Emerson himself had not become frustrated as a driver by his car 's constant failures and retirements , if , in short , he had got his act together , he would quite possibly have made a first-class constructor and been hailed as a Brazilian Ferrari or Chapman .
12 If Hancock himself had been around , he would have doubtless squirmed as the audience laughed their heads off .
13 But if Gustave himself had changed course ?
14 Athelstan felt pleased , even more so as the great frost had been broken by this sudden bright snap as if Christ himself wanted the weather to improve for his great feast day .
15 The chances are that any LSE owner would have an appropriate button fitted as soon as possible , so if Lowden themselves fitted them , making sure the job was done elegantly , that would keep the guitar original and prevent any screw-ups by those amateur guitar repairers who 've never heard of pilot-holes …
16 The chess set changes every so often , unpredictably , in colour and form , as if Tzeentch himself were influencing it ( it will lose this property if it is taken out of the Castle ) .
17 If Berowne himself had wielded the razor , surely the palm which had clutched it would have been less bloodied .
18 If Sweet himself continued his blackmail , that was n't Charles ' concern .
19 The illusion persisted that the British might have succeeded if their diplomacy had been more sensitive and subtle , and if Macmillan himself had been more alive to the timing of the presidential election .
20 Besides , he got embarrassed at the stares people gave Slater , even if Slater himself did n't seem to notice .
21 If Gunnell herself has cashed in , she 's not been so blatant or obviously motivated by the financial side as other athletes .
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