Example sentences of "there [be] the " in BNC.

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1 In the Commons , Sir Thomas Clarges moved that " a standing Army is destructive to the Country " , whilst his fellow Tory , Edward Seymour , declared that " the safety of the Kingdom doth not consist with a standing force " , adding ( in a way which anticipated Tory arguments used after 1689 ) that " all the profit and security of this Nation is in our Ships , and had there been the least ship in the Channel " , Monmouth could never have landed .
2 Mr McTear , 48 , claims that he would not have started smoking in the mid-1960s had there been the present-day health warnings .
3 And then there are the tougher types : Edmund from King Lear , a romantic macho figure with a wide eye for fame and fortune .
4 And then there are the dreams , more vivid than the live-long day .
5 Then there are the imports : 83,000 tonnes of toxic waste enter British ports annually for incineration or other treatment , a figure which has increased 20-fold in just eight years .
6 There are the three channels of the state network , RAI , funded by licence fee and advertising .
7 Of course there are the ephemeral reasons — the admen 's discovery of opera 's blend of corny emotion with glamour and spectacle ; the unpredictable cravings of yuppy culture snackers .
8 But there are the illuminations , miles of them along the seafront , which people really do come to admire , driving slowly and reverently down the tatty Golden Mile .
9 There are the end-of-tether diaries published as My Sister and Myself by his literary executor , Francis King , and any number of references in the voluminous literature that has grown up around the figure of E M Forster , whose acolyte Ackerley became between their first meeting in 1922 and his death , aged 71 , in 1967 .
10 Then there are the codling ; wonderful eating and nothing like that tasteless stuff you buy with a crispy brown skin .
11 There are the decent members of the public and the gougers ’ ( FN 26/5/87 , p. 23 ) .
12 There are the honest and decent people of Easton , and then the ‘ gougers ’ , ‘ mouths ’ , and other trouble-makers , with whom the police have as problematic a relationship as do all police forces with miscreants .
13 There are the more restricted duties of juvenile liaison , which deals with young offenders and their families , and the general community relations work amongst juveniles and community groups connected with the young , such as schools and youth clubs ( with the exception of the ubiquitous Christmas party for old folks ) .
14 Zips There are the most common way of fastening sleeping bags .
15 There are the Old People 's Associations , about 100 of them , which do not pay dividends and , therefore , function as charitable institutions ; also counted as charities are the Housing Trusts , such as the Peabody , Astor , Guinness , Lewis and Sutton Trusts , which started to build large blocks of flats in industrial areas at an early date .
16 In addition , there are the inevitable pressures from the outside world , the difficulties of the British economy , and the various lobbies .
17 First there are the hypnotics which help you sleep and the stimulants which wake you up .
18 There is the tremendous narrative verve ; there are the flights of true sublimity side by side with the knockabout of comedy and debate ; there is , above all , the sense which informs nearly all his religious writing , that a human being 's relationship with God is the great Romance of life .
19 There are the ‘ golden few ’ who win prizes in Youth Training Schemes .
20 There 's hip-hop ( e.g. Public Enemy 's incendiary rhetoric and racism ) and rap ( superstuds like LL Cool J ) ; there 's European body pop ( Front 242 , DAF ) and hard gay club music ; and then there are the electronic-based bands who thrive on totalitarian and paramilitary imagery ( Laibach , Nitzer Ebb ) .
21 There are the usual look-behind-you routines .
22 There are the traditional floral designs of an English classical style that evoke associations with days of yore .
23 Or , in great contrast , there are the more modern abstract designs that might not look out of place displayed on a wall .
24 AT THE first bend in the narrow lane from Guestwick to Corpusty there are the vestiges of an old carriageway turning off into a field in a south-westerly direction .
25 There was probably a nunnery here originally , and certainly a manor since the 1300s , for there are the remains of a fish-pond in the garden .
26 There are now more jumbo jets flying the Pacific than there are the Atlantic , and the financial power of Japan will probably , in the end , clog even the optical fibres of the new Pacific cable .
27 There are the usual singers and some local news , but the main item is an often grisly tour of Vietnamese refugee camps around the world .
28 In the case of lunar stones it is relatively easy to tell whether or not this has happened : there are the expensive Apollo samples to compare them with ( most lunar rocks are chemically similar ) .
29 There are the great islands of savannah and veld in East and South Africa , the little islands of mountain forests from Cameroon to Kilimanjaro , island-like lakes from Malawi to Turkana , islands of rain forest from Liberia to Uganda , real islands off the coast from Sao Tome to the Seychelles and man-made islands of conservation , from the Kruger to the Serengeti .
30 Then there are the rules about time and penalties .
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