Example sentences of "all into the " in BNC.

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1 The author of this memoir , while an undergraduate , once borrowed fourteen books about history from Edward Wynn and , on the way to return them , inadvertently dropped them all into the River Pem — and so is better placed than anyone to testify how good a man was Edward Wynn .
2 The boilerhouse bridge needed repairing before it pitched us all into the river .
3 entered once for all into the Holy Place , taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood , thus securing an eternal redemption …
4 A century ago it was said that the Danish Red ( then one of only two Danish breeds considered worthy of note , the other being the Jutland ) needed abundant fodder but with good care it could be an efficient producer : the milking cow put it all into the bag but would fatten readily when dry or barren .
5 Christopher Robson ( countertenor ) has recently been electrifying audiences with his performances of Arsamenes in Xerxes at the English National Opera , and when he opens his mouth on this recording he may as well be plugging us all into the mains .
6 The Mickey Mouse girl would be sweeping it all into the bin , along with any cockroaches she 'd crushed underfoot .
7 He brought nothing at all into the marriage , and the family wanted nothing to do with him .
8 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : After spawning is complete the male gathers all the eggs together and compacts them all into the size of a hazelnut , where they begin to turn yellow then grey and finally black when the fry hatch out .
9 Within twenty seconds of leaving the safety of the shore , the front of the raft is sucked into the raging froth then hurled skyward , flinging us all into the river .
10 If we revert to the original problem , the solution of Ax = x , we now see that there are just n eigenvalues s and that correspondingly there are just n vectors xs ; i.e. we have n equations unc We can combine them all into the single equation unc or more briefly AX = X where X is ow the square matrix made up of the n column vectors xs , and unc is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues ; and our problem is now to find the matrices X and unc for the given A.
11 ‘ Well , ’ the Doctor said brightly , ‘ all into the TARDIS , I think . ’
12 More silver coins than any of us would find in a lifetime , all into the melting-pot .
13 So instead she stormed into the kitchen , surveyed the two lumps of meat and the assortment of vegetables , threw them all into the largest pot she could lay her hands on , and fried them .
14 Look , I 've booked us all into the Italian place round the corner .
15 She did n't say what on earth are you ringing for ; she put it all into the oh .
16 Okay it 's er this goes all into the detail .
17 Yes we had to get them all into the tanks otherwise
18 So I said well I Danny rang this morning and he got permission to put the fire on and put them , I 'm going to move them all into the front and erm to air them up .
19 Yeah , they come round and they were all on about it and er , erm and that was it , Darren called us all into the canteen , well I , I mean Pam must have told you that I was , I could n't get over it and he said thanks for all you 've done , all your support and I thought yeah
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