Example sentences of "all you could " in BNC.

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1 All you could send to them were the printable characters , plus a few simple commands like ‘ carriage return ’ and ‘ line feed ’ .
2 But the three-minute song is just a left-over from when that was all you could fit on to one side of a 78 record .
3 A real mountain bastu is one of those experiences not to be missed , and all you could want after a hard day 's toil , a wonderful relaxant .
4 He wants to be all you could ever need .
5 It was all you could get , at Conservative Research Department .
6 They 'd come and ask you for advice and you 'd tell them and help them all you could .
7 All you could see of any of them was a pair of very pink ears sticking out behind old copies of the Woman 's Own .
8 If all you could see were your nose , or the side of your face , nature 's design system would clearly have slipped up somewhere .
9 All you could see through the gap was a strip of wall and half a fridge .
10 As I saw it , they were either downmarket Wimpy bars or precious bistros where all you could hear were the sounds of the cutlery hitting the plate , and people would cough before speaking because they had n't said anything for such a long time , what with all the hush .
11 In fact , all you could hear was the repetitive pounding of rubber on tarmac and a lot of heavy breathing .
12 All you could do deep down was to pray it would n't be you for the chop .
13 All over the course for those seven hours , all you could hear was ‘ Aaaaw … goo' shot .
14 They have all you could need to test your mountain skills in relative safety .
15 Whoever wrote it or designed those basic garments knew that you would be struggling to learn all you could in the shortest possible time and that to give you concise diagrams and stitch and row numbers would cut down any need for extra calculations by you .
16 ‘ That was all you could establish ? ’
17 All you could get would be toast
18 It was all you could do .
19 All you could smell was boiled fish .
20 And er helped all you could and then er
21 You did all you could .
22 These contained a substance called Spread , and , indeed , that was all you could do with it .
23 All you could do was show warmth and love and affection , and continue to " be there " to pick up the bits .
24 Because , looking at Britain from abroad , all you could see was a great cloud of knickers .
25 It was a trick she 'd learned long ago ; if you bit hard enough all you could think of was the pain ; the misery and sorrow , in that instance , faded into insignificance .
26 An hour ago , all you could see was the sparkle of steel in the blackness under the trees , and the falling ray of an arrow when one of his men moved too near , having a look at the ground .
27 All you could hear was her tut-tutting . ’
28 That was all you could hear .
29 Well okay bu but in that sense are you saying that the learning experience was such that the peasant was so conservative and reactionary and so was all you could do ?
30 All you could think of was yourself , just expecting me to drop my former life for yours .
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