Example sentences of "all the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 It 's like BT cutting off all the phones.It makes you feel more disabled not having access .
2 His Uncle 's illness had placed the responsibility for all the sheep on George 's shoulders .
3 ‘ Handling all the sheep is certainly going to be too much for you on your own , ’ answered Elizabeth .
4 The two men combed the moors , squelching through the soggy ground until they were satisfied that all the sheep had been rounded up and brought down to the lower pastures to safety .
5 All the sheep were on lower ground where they could be reached by men on horseback , and the womenfolk had laid in stocks of flour and yeast , so that there was no shortage of food .
6 and all the sheep had died and
7 I seized my chance and checked in immediately , feeling pretty good about all the sheep in the departure pen until further notice .
8 And all the moonlit cows and all the sheep
9 ‘ But that means that all the sheep could be wolves in disguise .
10 After bringing the horses in from the fields and putting feed in the stables for them , his next task was to bring all the sheep in close to the farm .
11 Had it not been for the guillotine debate , for the way in which the Government put the pressure on , for the way in which they shepherded all the sheep , ministerial and other , through the Lobbies , we would not be here today .
12 I do n't count all the deer I 've bumped into since it 's taken for granted you 'll see a few of the elegant beasts galloping away over the heather no matter which hill you 're on .
13 To do that job you would have to take in all the deer in every year , weigh and measure them and give them their dose , and feed them while you did it .
14 ‘ Well , put it like this , ’ replied Billy guardedly , ‘ it means they did n't eat all the deer during the war . ’
15 Buy why should one man own all the deer ?
16 Points given for all the norw. players in VG ( max 10 — which is — very — seldom seen ) — 4–5-1 formation .
17 Slowly and without thinking she ate all the tuna fish and mayonnaise her mother had prepared .
18 Of all the infantry battalions engaged on the Italian Front , the 1st Bucks Battalion , the 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers and the HAC were the three selected recipients of this honour .
19 Of all the species visible in Bharatpur , none is more romantic or mysterious than the Siberian crane .
20 I am very desirous to get all the species of this genus which I can , and am making observations on their flowers and fruit : for Doctor Linnaeus has joined these to his genus of Rhus [ sumach ] , with which all the species of Toxicodendron , which I have yet examined , will by no means agree ; for these are either male and female in distinct plants , or have male flowers in separate parts from the fruit on the same plant , which , according to his own system , must remove them to a great distance from the Rhus .
21 I am very desirous to get all the species of this genus which I can , and am making observations on their flowers and fruit : for Doctor Linnaeus has joined these to his genus of Rhus [ sumach ] , with which all the species of Toxicodendron , which I have yet examined , will by no means agree ; for these are either male and female in distinct plants , or have male flowers in separate parts from the fruit on the same plant , which , according to his own system , must remove them to a great distance from the Rhus .
22 Almost all the species present then still occur today on the Outer Hebrides , for example in the mountains or on open , mildly basic soils on sea-cliffs .
23 All the species within any of the units of classification descended from a single , ancestral species .
24 That is to say , the fry and adolescents of all the species do — but some adults are actually too large .
25 It is impossible to describe all the species that currently inhabit the planet given , for example , that species evolve and that there would be no obvious way of knowing when the table was complete .
26 The more practical challenge that faces the taxonomic community is to describe and classify all the species that are known to inhabit the world .
27 Nearly all the species come from the Cape , South Africa , and amongst the first to be discovered and brought to England was P. triste , one of the very few whose flowers rather than leaves are scented .
28 He believed that abrupt changes on the earth 's surface were responsible for killing off all the species over a wide area .
29 The Illinois naturalist Stephen A. Forbes gave an address on ‘ The Lake as a Microcosm ’ in 1887 , emphasizing that all the species within a lake were linked into a functioning community maintained by the balance between predators and prey .
30 These relationships were a natural consequence of evolution working to produce mutual interactions from which all the species involved would benefit .
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