Example sentences of "all of they " in BNC.

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1 Two prisoners formerly featured in the Letter Writing Campaign , Thoza Khonje and George Mtafu , were among at least 21 political prisoners released in Malawi between January and March this year — all of them long-term detainees held without charge or trial .
2 This mixed condition he shares with many others , not all of them writers ; it is a condition we are entitled to call traditional .
3 All of them have speeches that are rich in passion , character and intensity , which can sustain the actor in solo flight .
4 All of them take the working actors ' problems into account and attempt to create classes which can make free hours both disciplined and profitable .
5 And I looked upon the earth and saw a dish set , and workmen lying by it , and their hands were in the dish : and they that were chewing chewed not , and they that were lifting the food lifted it not , and they that put it to their mouth put it not thereto , but the faces of all of them were looking upward .
6 ‘ Going out by the gun-room window , ’ said Thomas , ‘ which master announced to all of them was faulty , and that was why Rover slept there . ’
7 When they went up to the study Ethel and Mary waited outside with the little trays of sundries , catching glimpses of the people in the room , all of them nervously talking in high voices .
8 They make deceptively subtle demands on their audience , and through all of them there runs a strong sense of humour .
9 All of them are avoidable and cost time and money .
10 It is possible for an aircraft to have several different modes of spinning , and all of them may not have been discovered during the testing .
11 Some smoke alarms can be linked together so that if one of them senses smoke , all of them will sound an alarm .
12 In some respects , I think it was the detail of the ethnographic ‘ thick description ’ which most alarmed them ; for as almost all of them wistfully pointed out : ‘ it shows exactly how we do the business ’ .
13 ‘ Thank you , ’ said Jay who adored all of them , ‘ I have the Pergolese , but it 's totally worn out . ’
14 All of them . ’
15 He participates enthusiastically in all the activities and is good in all of them .
16 And so the months passed quickly , filled with the sights , sounds , smells and tastes — all of them clamorous and variegated and , not least , the girls with which he filled his mind and his hours .
17 I was straight with all of them , mind you , made it quite clear I had no axe to grind .
18 So many men answered her ad she had n't replied to all of them yet ; and the dating agency supplied a steady stream of potential partners .
19 They came in all shapes and sizes ; and all of them claimed to have become permanent partners .
20 She threw all of them away except one , then realised how silly and significant it would be to arrive on his doorstep with one daffodil ; she tucked it into the contents of an overflowing litter bin and arrived at Alan 's empty-handed .
21 One memory will certainly be of the running of far more steam trains than seemed possible in the seventies , not all of them successful …
22 But one day at the club when he trotted out this phrase during some heated discussion in the midst of a little group of members ( all of them persons of some consequence ) , Nicholas Stavrogin who was standing to one side alone and unnoticed , suddenly went up to Mr Gaganov and , taking him unexpectedly and firmly with two fingers by the nose , managed to drag him two or three steps across the room .
23 In a large team effort , different people can be working on separate aspects of a design , with changes rapidly distributed to all of them .
24 All of them argue , in different ways and with different emphases , for the realistic and expressive functions of literature ; or , in philosophical terms , for the validity of the idea of reference .
25 It is , nevertheless , interesting that Norris should say , in passing , of Nietzsche ; ‘ there are many competing versions of Nietzsche , none possessing any absolute claim to articulate the ‘ truth' ’ of his text , but all of them — and this is Derrida 's point — made possible by something in the logic , the syntax or the structural resources of his writing . ’
26 What all of them contend is that the auditory effect of all English-language verse can only in a schematic and starveling fashion be pin-pointed by applying the only two measurements that traditional scansion recognizes : on the one hand the number of syllables , on the other the number of occurrences of ictus or ‘ stress ’ .
27 They are very intelligent economists , all of them . ’
28 Nothing was known of the fate of the three men , all of them active on behalf of the National League for Democracy , until 27 July , when the official radio announced that they had been condemned to death .
29 All of them , which are located 50ft up the side of a cliff , were equipped with plaster water-storage cisterns .
30 Actually , not one of its members is a day over 50 ( although all of them are coming close ) but you might reasonably have expected age to leave Daltrey , Townshend , and Entwistle looking worse than well-travelled .
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