Example sentences of "has [det] power " in BNC.

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1 erm , my Lord , in relation to that erm and er is an example , the European court itself and only the European court has the power to limit the direct effect of the provision , they can say well it has direct effect in these circumstances prospectively , but not retroactively and only the European court , that court alone has that power , all other courts , national courts must , my Lord this is your duty under article five I would submit to enforce article eighty five and three F
2 But he has little power to compel , that is , by his person .
3 Unlike the UK , where the Court on declaring an agreement " contrary to the public interest " then has little power to impose effective penalties against offending firms , the Commission has considerable powers of enforcement and can fine firms up to 10 per cent of their turnover for operating an anti- competitive practice .
4 The park authority itself has few powers over agricultural change — control of the largest and a few other farm buildings but little else — and must operate by giving counter advice and offering compensation to the Farmer who proposes an action that is seen to be damaging .
5 In particular the deterrent effect is weak since the penalties for operating an illegal cartel are inadequate , and the Director General of Fair Trading has few powers to intervene and initiate investigations in situations where there is a suspicion that a secret cartel is in operation .
6 But it has few powers if they refuse .
7 The court to which proceedings have been transferred from another court after the making of the bankruptcy order also has this power ( Re A Debtor ( No 2A of 1980 ) ( 1981 ) Ch 148 ) .
8 But she has such power , such spiritual power .
9 Personally , I am sceptical about Jose 's view that the press has such power to mislead and to be always believed .
10 He could take her away , I thought , he could just do that , he has such power to hurt me , this little furry creature who has n't even noticed that I 've given up the weed .
11 The baby that has such power over its parents ?
12 Now that he has these powers , what will he do with them ?
13 The ITF has more power than the ATP but the ITF needs the ATP . ’
14 It 's more aerodynamic , the interior has been improved ( although not nearly as much as it should have been ) , the new engine has more power and yet is no thirstier , and the new suspension means safer , more predictable , handling .
15 He was , as the Examiner put it , the ‘ Napoleon of football ’ , and ‘ probably no manager has more power from the team selection standpoint ’ .
16 Do n't go feeling sorry for him : he has more power than you 'll ever have .
17 Hence , the high-performing division has more power and autonomy than the less-performing division because ( at this stage ) it is contributing more to the firm 's goals .
18 He has those powers ; will he use them ?
19 The opposite of this is called " perfect contestability " — no one has any power in the market , particularly the established firm(s) .
20 The issue is a narrow one , namely whether on the true construction of section 9(4) of the Act of 1975 and in the light of the facts that ( a ) Dr. Hayes was a servant of the Crown at the time when he made his investigation into the Lockerbie disaster , ( b ) he has since retired from the service of the Crown , and ( c ) that the evidence sought relates to what he discovered when acting as such a servant , the court has any power to make the order sought .
21 ‘ ( a ) It is accepted that no civil court ‘ has any power to decide in a manner which would bind a criminal court that evidence of any kind is admissible or inadmissible in that court ’ ( per Lord Wilberforce in the Rank case [ 1982 ] A.C. 380 , 442f ) and that restrictions embodied in the order of the civil court would not bind ‘ an English criminal court … from admitting the information in evidence at a trial : ’ per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton , at p. 446e. ( b ) However it is different if the prosecutor is personally restrained from placing the information before the criminal court , because in that scenario no question of admissibility arises .
22 I 'm a free man , and all that you hold dear , you rich men — and beggars too — none of it has any power over me . ’
23 Decisive victory for either side : that is what Turkish policy , in so far as it has any power , has been striving to prevent .
24 The real question is whether the employee has any power over customers .
25 ‘ The ride quality stretches your patience and the gearbox is sticky in first and reverse , but it has enough power , and boot space , accessibility and the driving position all score highly . ’
26 I have to point out that my blaster has enough power for a couple of bursts , and if necessary I 'll use them .
27 She is an eagle of a special kind , strong and powerful and she still has enough power to put her strength in my wings .
28 Which function has most power in this organization ?
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