Example sentences of "been think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Penwith and Kerrier hundreds were obviously poorer than the eastern parts of the shire ; a high proportion of men were taxed on wages who had not been thought worth mentioning in the earlier survey , many of them poor immigrants variously described as tinners or labourers .
2 However small they were , such payments must have been thought worth collecting .
3 We have been thought to be ‘ ignorant of the nature of spirits ’ , he says , because we have no ‘ idea ’ of spirit .
4 Indeed , one of the first die links ever published drew attention to the surprising use of the same die on two coins which had been thought to be of different mints .
5 You do n't have to believe in God in order to practise astronomy or to understand how the movement of the planets is regulated , as might have been thought to be the case before Isaac Newton 's time .
6 Certain types of small bacteria , called mycoplasma or ureaplasma , have for a long time been thought to be responsible for some cases of NGU .
7 LAW and gospel have traditionally been thought to be opposed to one another .
8 It transpired rather late in the planning of Overlord that what had been thought to be beaches of hard sand actually had bands of exposed clay .
9 Within private care where the element of choice might have been thought to be an advantage it was found that a third of residents did not choose , and for 22 per cent the unsolicited efforts of either a relative , the general practitioner or a social worker led to their admission ( Weaver et al . ,
10 In Los Angeles , another place where non-Hispanic whites are a dwindling minority , a 62-year-old white businessman is in a run-off for the mayor 's office against the young Asian-American who has for years been thought to be one of California 's most personable Democrats .
11 It seems that the rolled-up canvas , which had lain on a basement floor for sixty years in the Nice house , had been thought to be unused .
12 In order to change the understanding of women , or enlarge the conception as to what is to be considered authentically female , we should have to apply what have been thought to be characteristically male attributes to a female symbol .
13 A pair of researchers arrived at the extraordinary conclusion that fusion of deuterons could be achieved without the application of massive external energy , which had previously been thought to be an indispensable condition .
14 It also helped in identifying important variables which had not previously been thought to be particularly interesting .
15 Article 86 , by contrast , has no section 3 to permit exemptions , which has sometimes been thought to be a weakness .
16 That might have been thought to be intune with the Cold War music of the era .
17 ( Prior to the mass exodus of Albanians to Italy , the Italian government had been thought to be delaying the delivery of food aid to avoid giving a pre-election boost to the communist regime 's popularity . )
18 There is a further indication that this is the right solution ; one of the few archaeological finds to have come from the battlefield at Vézeronce is a fine helmet , which has been thought to be of Ostrogothic workmanship .
19 I felt , by doing that , I had effectively stepped back in time and discovered the one thing that should have been thought of before we even harnessed electricity .
20 The idea of siphoning the matured learning of the Universities to the industrial and agricultural areas is as fresh and germane as if it had first been thought of last night .
21 Buckminsterfullerene has often been thought of as the 3-D equivalent of benzene and so should be ‘ aromatic ’ , which means performing some of the chemical reactions for which benzene is noted .
22 Oral sex , although mentioned in literature and depicted in art spanning millennia , has been thought of and described by many people as a perversion of sexual practice .
23 It would have been thought of as demeaning their authority to have to explain their actions .
24 The well-planned research will not present difficulties at the analysis stage , since the purpose of the answers will have been thought of in advance , and all the analysis really does is to fill in the details .
25 This enables the interviewer to burrow much further into the complexities of some situations and may well introduce him to relevant factors which had not been thought of before at all .
26 If the responses are to be analysed without a great deal of trouble it is probable that the likely answers have been thought of beforehand and that certain likely response categories are already incorporated in the schedule itself .
27 Hyenas have always been thought of as scavengers but it is now known that they are also vigorous nocturnal hunters .
28 Anything you can think of to help has , of course , already been thought of by them !
29 Solutions in terms of this everyday discourse could have and may have been thought of by the client , who had come to the solicitor for a legal rather than an everyday solution .
30 dissertation the young Prince Louis de Broglie proposed a way in which waves might be associated with objects like electrons which had hitherto been thought of in purely particle terms ( see Appendix , A2 ) .
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