Example sentences of "has done this " in BNC.

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1 The next stage might be to combine the droplet model with the shell model though no one has done this yet .
2 By the time it has done this , the crab is safe .
3 It is natural to walk or run them and anyone who has done this will know that it becomes more of a rhythmic dance when perfectly attuned .
4 While one is not always convinced that Taylor has done this , the task is perhaps excessive for any writer .
5 I ca n't believe someone has done this and I wo n't ever see her again .
6 The USDOE ( Department of Energy ) has done this since the late s at the Savannah River Reactor on the border of Georgia and South Carolina .
7 ‘ Constance has done this on the rebound , ’ Nora continued .
8 Anyone who has done this will know the feeling of being cramped in with other tired people , strap-hanging , sweating after a day at work .
9 THE FFESTINIOG Railway has recently put into service a new buffet car , to replace a vintage vehicle which has done this duty since the early years of revival .
10 One of the true leopards has done this most successfully .
11 The government is not averse to pump priming book provision and has done this three times in the last six years , for the introduction of the GCSE examination , for acquisitions in university libraries and , most recently , for books for the National Curriculum .
12 It exists in three forms : expertise from experience ( ‘ I am the only one who has done this before ’ ) ; expertise based on knowledge ; and expertise based on a particular skill ( e.g. the surgeon , the programmer , the writer , the foreign exchange dealer ) .
13 One species that has done this is Volvox , a hollow sphere , almost the size of a pinhead , constructed from a large number of cells , each with a flagellum .
14 Tony and Matt are both experienced cavers , they have the right equipment , have had a guide to the mines produced by the Northern Association of Caving Clubs , and , more importantly , Matt at least has done this sort of thing before , or as he said , If I remember rightly … "
15 In many such cases the evidence created by the satisfaction of the criteria is defeated by other evidence ; for example , we see him wincing and holding his stomach , but we know that he has done this at this point in the play every evening this week , and hence we are not justified in believing here what similar evidence of the same sort would perfectly justify elsewhere .
16 Who has done this so far ?
17 When it has done this , it replaces the worst few strings with new strings , formed by randomly blending a random selection of the best strings .
18 ‘ Who has done this thing ? ’ he hissed .
19 ‘ Everyone has done this — why do n't you ! ’
20 Since the 1979 Banking Act it has done this by licensing institutions to take deposits and requiring regular statistical returns from such institutions .
21 Do I know anyone else who has done this before ?
22 The Company has done this with resolve and dedication and produced a creditable performance , not only in preserving its ongoing business , but also in strengthening its base through acquisition . ’
23 Should Mr Goldin choose to attend any more fund-raising dinners of Noraid , the IRA 's American front , as he already has done this year , he can dine with no such blot of truth on his conscience .
24 Now I am able to say that Barton Willmore has done this work , and it has submitted as part of our submission to the E I P , and in summary what I would say is that I believe that that work demonstrates that the new settlement has to be in the order of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , to begin to achieve the environmental objectives set for the new settlement , and also social objectives which would also be important to the residents of that new settlement .
25 Maybe Dumbo has done this before .
26 I was thinking of sticking some pages on the World Wide Web for this great team and was wondering if anyone has done this already .
27 It 's crackers no one has done this before . "
28 The Exchange has done this , for example , in relation to the Government 's privatisations , by allowing the Government to retain a " golden " ( or " master " ) share in newly privatised companies .
29 Because God has done this , he 's he 's made him available .
30 he has done this morning , and he 's talked to us about the film .
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