Example sentences of "has not really " in BNC.

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1 Likewise in the case of Lewis 's Eve : if she is ransomed by Ransom 's struggle with the Un-Man in the underworld , a sort of Harrowing of Hell sequence , how can she be said to have resisted the temptation on her own ; and if she has not really resisted through her own strength — if she is to be rewarded with immortality and felicity for something she has not done herself — where is the justice in the punishment , on another planet , of Eve and her descendants , for something which again was not wholly her responsibility ?
2 So they choose to contend that it has not really happened : and in so choosing raise a timely question about the nature of political belief .
3 Fags and mags are not the kind of things people give up lightly , and so recession has not really been a problem for T&S .
4 His present celebrity is a fairly recent phenomenon , and he insists that it has not really affected him , although he acknowledges that his appearances on television shows and in magazine profiles have somewhat robbed him of the anonymity which still clings to his ‘ invisible ’ friend , Cartier-Bresson .
5 It is possible to argue either that the community charge has failed its first test as a device to improve the accountability of local government or that it has not really been tested at all .
6 Even the Nobel prize winner for physiology and medicine , Sir Charles Sherrington , dedicated his prize-winning speech to Alexander 's work , but even to this day Alexander has not really received the recognition he so richly deserves .
7 ‘ My swing has not really had to alter , but I am probably hitting my drives 20 yards shorter and I 'm needing two or three irons longer than I needed before the accident . ’
8 When , however , the chairman of the SIB , supposedly at the apex of a system of self-regulation , calls for a ‘ clear shift to a less self-regulatory basis ’ , when the chairman of Prudential Corporation says that the government should ‘ organise investor protection on a fully statutory basis under direct government control ’ , and when the chairman of BAT Industries ( which owns Eagle Star and Allied Dunbar ) adds that ‘ self-regulation has not really worked ’ , it would be futile to start quizzing them about whether ‘ self-regulation ’ is really an accurate description of the present system .
9 He is old and sad and weak because while the sport dominates his thinking , he no longer dominates the sport , and his thinking , for many years now , has not really dominated the Ferrari sporting division at Maranello .
10 Souness said : ‘ Stewart has not really started his Liverpool career yet because of injuries .
11 This is a particularly powerful idea and one which has not really been considered in BSL , though it has begun to be practised in BSL teaching ( see appendix 2 ) .
12 The C format for ‘ unknowns ’ has not really caught on , and flaps have given the impression of ‘ up-market ’ reads and often limit sales although attracting reviews .
13 Therefore , if a reviewer starts going on about something other than the game s/he is obviously telling you that the game has not really got anything different in terms of game play to offer .
14 This was proof , according to the Commission , that : ‘ Mr Nkrumah has not really departed one jot from his avowed aim for a Union of West African Soviet Socialist Republics .
15 There has been a kind of stalemate in the class struggle which has placed governments in the position of tackling deep-rooted problems with technocratic instruments of strictly limited effectiveness : they have held the line on the balance of payments by means of periodic deflation , which has not really solved anything ; they have periodically checked inflation and attempted to rebuild industrial profitability by means of ad hoc incomes policy but have been unable either to maintain popular support for such policies or to push forward to a comprehensive planning of prices and incomes , investment and consumption .
16 Whether the security could be upheld if the only ground for impeaching it was that Mrs. Duval had no independent advice has not really to be determined .
17 In terms of review of staggered hours erm the review is sort of a constant one which has not really come to head yet , in terms of actually being able to write something down , so I 'm we 'll be able to as soon as we , as soon I 've something which we erm , come to any conclusions in terms of staggered hours .
18 Partisan nomination of senior judges used to be the rule in Britain but has not really been so since the 1920s .
19 ‘ Spain has not really changed you . ’
20 The pattern of attacks has not really changed at all ; the Iraqis go for the Iranian oil tankers on the shuttle from Kharg Island to Larak Island , and the Iranians then retaliate with a burst of rocket-propelled grenades and machine gun fire against almost any vessel unaccompanied by a warship .
21 To the linguist , it is clear at once that she has not really managed to speak JC , she has just made an imitation of it which might fool people not really familiar with that language .
22 And if I may Mr chairman , something that 's happened in the last few days , that 's er evident that er the been the first satellite survey in this country ever which is now beginning to show to the nation , just in fact the damage that roads have been doing and that there 's in fact now some suggestion from government that they may be rethinking some elements of these roads , because the environmental impact has not really been taken into account as effectively before .
23 Many may feel that the ‘ use it or lose it ’ ruck-maul law has not really been given a long enough trial .
24 They see them at home , it 's all around them , but the use of calculators for example has not really been built yet widely into the curriculum for primary schools , so that is an area that we shall be having a look at .
25 New printing helped , but the strategy has n't really worked .
26 Throwing out all those shirts has n't really altered Patrick in any major way , but Judith is happier .
27 Darkman has been billed as Sam Raimi 's move toward mainstream Hollywood , though given the current fascination for comic-book movies , he has n't really had to move that far .
28 It was he , writing in the issue of 15 September 1941 , who called the thirties the ‘ Pink Decade ’ , which has n't really stuck , though it seems that he coined the term ‘ Greeneland ’ to define the peculiar territory of Graham Greene 's fiction .
29 But what gets me most is when somebody dies who has n't really lived .
30 I suppose it has n't really sunk in yet .
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