Example sentences of "been [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Previously the longest period without a lost day accident at the site , where paint manufacturer started in 1990 , had been 372 days , achieved in 1989 .
2 Given that our Association had been 75 years outside the wider Trade Union Movement , our Delegates were concerned at what type of reception they might receive from the Conference .
3 What was perhaps most crucial to the success of Impressionism in financial terms was its modern stance , as closely identified with contemporary life at the turn of the century as Romanticism had been fifty years before .
4 The ensuing reforms were implemented piecemeal and did not fundamentally change the system , but procedure was considerably more summary by 1900 than it had been fifty years earlier .
5 she 's not going to this year , she 's erm , in Ruxley there , there was a little pot of seed that had been sowed and they were ready for pricking out , and er one little pot I think was ninety eight P , but there must of been fifty plants in there easily
6 It had been eleven months since he 'd seen or spoken to Chester , but he was greeted as effusively as ever , and ushered in .
7 Our shooting permits , after what had been eleven months of filming , were due to expire that evening and , though shot at the very end , the sequence on Anak Krakatoa was intended to introduce the very beginning of our whole ten years of adventure films .
8 It had been eleven months since they had parted .
9 Finally he suggested that Mr Hancock must have been 180 degrees off-course .
10 There had been 169 executions in US states since the death penalty was restored by the Supreme Court in 1976 , most of them in conservative Southern states , but on April 6 Arizona had carried out its first execution for 29 years , while in March the first execution in Delaware since 1946 had been implemented .
11 Outside the High Court after the award of £50,000 damages plus costs , the 59-year-old happily married father of three said : ‘ It has been three-and-a-half years of absolute hell . ’
12 There have been 70 changes of Labour party policy .
13 Oh it might have been eight pounds .
14 there 's been eight miners trapped down in Yorkshire but the election
15 Since registration , there have already been eight examinations , all of which were passed with flying colours , at all times , a company representative or deputy has to be on call ready to answer any questions .
16 To date there have been eight experiments , all but one of which used photons rather than protons .
17 She had been eight years old and that was sixteen years ago .
18 Old enough to take care of himself , while she had been eight years old .
19 It had been eight years since the council published its accounts on time .
20 He had been eight days at the wheel of the destroyer , and had brought her back from Greenland by ‘ Boxing the compass ’ and his father , HMS Reading 's senior officer , now more than middle-aged , had been put out of action by the rigours of the journey from Liverpool to America , and had had to hand over to Arthur when about two days out of St John 's heading for Iceland .
21 ‘ It 's been eight days now . ’
22 We had been eight weeks in basic training and even in the most placid of us the qualities of self preservation and selfishness were coming to the surface .
23 If Paddy Ashdown had ordered his troops to oppose Mr Major the result would have been 300 votes to 335 against the Government — the most crushing defeat for a Prime Minister in modern times .
24 In 1910 there had been 315,281 Germans , 9,491 Poles , 2,124 Kaszubians and 3,021 others living in the area that was to become the Free City .
25 The BBC said there had been 12 calls about the programme some complimentary .
26 For all we knew it could have been 12 feet , since the weather was so bad at the top we could see no further than someone wearing a ski anorak and wellingtons sitting beside us .
27 During the last 30 years there have been 12 accidents around the world that have caused serious damage to a reactor core .
28 There has been 12 letters of objection to the final stretch to Ballyduggan Mill lodged and it is expected that a meeting between all the parties involved will take place to see if there is some way of reconciling the objections .
29 As part of the Minister 's annus mirabilis — no doubt he would say that there have been 12 anni mirabilis ; I think that that is right —
30 Yes well we save , we possibly saved that time , most of was was completely er occupied , so if we had n't have seen the fire , there could have been forty lives or forty families at risk there .
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