Example sentences of "been [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Their heads had been eased into the yoke , and they were now locked into the system .
2 Perry was a thick-set , bull-necked man who looked as if he 'd been eased into his suit with a shoe-horn .
3 ‘ So I struggled on when the best thing would have been to go into the reserves and get my confidence back .
4 This argument reflects the official view disseminated after the war had begun again that Edward had been coerced into accepting the treaty while he was under the tutelage of Mortimer and Isabella and that therefore he could not be bound by it .
5 The dictator ( to look at one of Keith Graham 's examples ) who allowed everyone to decide for themselves what they wanted and then told them what they must do , is violating their autonomy not because their wants and needs are not realised in action , but because they have been coerced into doing something they do not want .
6 Furthermore , the Germans and others who in Freud 's time were antisemitic , but who had not yet , as far as it was known , introduced the Final Solution , had been coerced into Christianity quite recently in their history .
7 It is surely true that occasionally interest is awakened only after individuals have been coerced into doing something .
8 However , in April 1988 Teo , along with eight other original " conspirators " , issued a public statement claiming that they had been coerced into making their televised confessions [ see p. 36353 ] .
9 The driver , Patsy Gillespie , who was also killed , was described by the IRA as a " collaborator " for having carried out construction work for the security forces , and had been coerced into a similar operation previously at the Fort George Army base in the city .
10 Several of them showed signs of injury , leading to claims in the US and the UK that they had been coerced into making their statements .
11 Later on Feb. 2 Babic again rejected the peace plan , stating the following day that the participants at the meetings had been subjected to heavy pressure and physical assault from Serbian leaders and that Paspalj had been coerced into signing .
12 The Abbess of Barking complained that her wood of Alderfen , belonging to her manor of Tollesbury , had been recalled into the Forest of Essex , ‘ although she says the wood is not in the forest and ought not to be ’ .
13 Some 10,000 troops had been flown into Caracas in response to the unrest , and official casualty figures put the number of people killed at 256 , including two soldiers and a police officer , and the number injured at 1,831 , with deaths and injuries mostly caused by gunfire .
14 Truman had been propelled into the presidency through the sudden death of Franklin Roosevelt on 12 April 1945 .
15 With matching moves in Britain and Japan designed to galvanise their moribund monopolists , all the leading players have been propelled into a global contest .
16 In ( h ) you will see yellow has been blended into pale lilac and in ( i ) pale lilac has been rubbed into French blue .
17 Resort , according to one report , has been blended into the natural landscape ‘ almost to the point of camouflage ’ .
18 If you have a cottage-style home , with bare brick on show , a brick arch could look very attractive , especially a wide one where two rooms have been joined into one .
19 The elderly diabetic lady had just been tucked into her bed when the doors were opened for visitors .
20 That the members of the quintet will be ‘ bound ’ to each other in secret guilt by the cement of blood , having been tricked into thinking Shatov is a danger and must be removed , is another and a promising rationalization which reveals a local shrewdness like Iago 's .
21 An important factor in the crisis is the awakening realisation among West Germans that they have been tricked into pretending this peculiar arrangement of subsidising their compatriots ' oppressors was normal .
22 which has been tricked into sleep
23 Dismissing fears that her daughter might have been tricked into a fake marriage by a man determined to ruin her , Nora tried to think more positively , but her brain persistently returned to the appalling question , ‘ Why an Italian , for God 's sake ? ’
24 Yet , as they finally declare their love for each other — having been tricked into so doing — Beatrice asks one favour : It seems to me that the fact that this request comes in prose is a sign that it is not to be taken seriously , since it , too , like so much else in the play , is based on false appearances .
25 Held , dismissing the appeal , ( 1 ) that either the mother as donee of the power of attorney had possessed sufficient general understanding and capability to have satisfied herself regarding the purport and effect of the transfer document and had failed to do so , or she had lacked ordinary competence and capacity , in which case the defendant , as donor , could not be allowed to repudiate the transfer to an innocent third party ; that , if the case was that the defendant had failed to inform the donee of the power of attorney , that lack of care also precluded him from relying on her ignorance of the power ; and that , therefore , the fact that the mother had been tricked into signing the transfer document without reading it , was not sufficient to sustain a plea of non est factum ( post , p. 679A–F ) .
26 Dougal , not Lorton , had been among the Newleys ' guests when Newley had been tricked into revealing his hiding place .
27 Rain said : ‘ You were told by Edouard that I had been tricked into going to the museum .
28 Marlowe had been tricked into vividly illuminating the miracle of the Incarnation .
29 United have been tumbling into trouble over the last couple of weeks … last time they won was Denis Smith 's first match as manager …
30 ‘ How can you tell what 's been eating into him for all that time ? ’
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