Example sentences of "been [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The legal arrangements for unification were contained in a second state treaty ( the first state treaty having been that providing for economic and monetary union — see pp. 37466-67 ) .
2 He sounded as enthusiastic as I might have been if talking about paving stones in Manchester .
3 She lunged forward at him , striking her talons on the bars where his face might have been and crashing her beak thunderously down .
4 I was filled with a dry sadness , a mixture of remembering and knowing ; remembering what was and what might have been and knowing it was all past ; at the same time knowing , or beginning to know , that other things were happily past — at least some of my illusions about myself , and then the syphilis , for there were no signs that it was going to come back .
5 Leaving everything more or less as it had been and closing the drawer , she turned her attention to the rest of the room .
6 But Connon remained as cool and unmoved as he had been while listening to Hurst .
7 A journey to the capital in the late 18th century can scarcely have been as harrowing an affair as that made to Kent by William the Emigrant in 1711 .
8 Every word of it had been a lie and to this truth Trent remained as totally committed now , close to his own death , as he had been when plotting the downfall of the groups he had penetrated .
9 William of Orange , whatever his initial intentions might have been when coming to England , was now determined to obtain the English Crown for himself , and he secured James 's second , and this time enforced , removal from his Kingdom on 23 December .
10 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
11 The significant features of Arazi 's victory over Supermec and River Majesty were that the knee operation carried out last November appeared to have no effects and , this time , the colt was not racing on medication , as he had been when winning the Breeders ' Cup Juvenile .
12 Riding , she had noticed how straight he held himself in the saddle , how unruffled he had been when leading his horse across a fast-flowing stream , how easily he brought his mount to jump a wall ; as though he were part of the animal he rode .
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