Example sentences of "'s well [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rizla 's better off now .
2 ‘ I 'm sorry he had n't read the manifesto , but he 's better off playing golf with Sean Connery and drinking Japanese whisky in Marbella . ’
3 Mark my words , little one — a yewmanbeen 's better off without it !
4 He 's better off with you .
5 Oh , she misses him , yes , but she 's better off without him , and she 'll see the truth of that before too long .
6 He 's better off on his own , too , and he knows it .
7 Keegan knows he 's better off at Newcastle .
8 I felt very sorry for him , but there again , the way he was and the way he felt , he 's better off out of it .
9 I do n't believe she 's better off .
10 ‘ If that 's what was going to happen , then the girl 's better off dead ! ’
11 No cos he 's better off .
12 But he 's better off
13 He 's better off
14 He 's better off without them anyway .
15 So she 's better off
16 I thought well he 's better off going to nurse and then she 'll get that magnifying glass and have a look .
17 And the other thing is of course that Mrs is d doing like she 's taking the , the modern musicals and things that have been , you know , down in London , like Cats and Starlight Express and things and she 's trying to imitate those , well there 's no way she could ever get it as good so she 's better off doing something completely different .
18 That 's well over ninety percent of the cases have been dealt with in the er , in the timescale that we 've set out and agreed with the health authority .
19 So erm Yeah it 's well well at the end of the month .
20 Thanks to the introduction of fuel injection , it 's well up to speed .
21 Our highlight was the opening of Scenerama , our Dutch exhibition which opened in mid year and that 's well ahead of budget and by year end we 'd had six hundred thousand admissions through the turnstiles .
22 Well where 's well where 's erm where 's this testicle drawing ?
23 ‘ All the same , she 's well out of that tangle with the undertaker .
24 course now they 're putting them on at half past four you , your body clock 's well out .
25 It 's well out of order !
26 Cos he 's well out of order , when you , were you there when he was
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