Example sentences of "'s say [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The final text has ‘ When all 's said and done I 've got the habits of a decent man ’ .
2 Five drafts of the relevant passage survive , the first reading ‘ When all 's said and done I 'm a decent man ’ .
3 Men are all little boys at heart , when all 's said and done , and it 's not only women that like to have these little playthings about to make a break in the daily round .
4 Blood 's thicker than water , when all 's said and done , ’ Mary Ann was saying .
5 We are not papists when all 's said and done . ’
6 We 're all horrified by one another , we humans , and there 's an end to it , but I shall be a good boy and sit quietly stroking Hosanna who is , when all 's said and done , my only true friend . ’
7 These people are businessmen , when all 's said and done , and everyone 's got something to hide .
8 As one man expressed it : ‘ When all 's said and done we have to get a product out and the management are interested in how cheap it can be done and although it means sacrificing the worker it means one has a cheap product . ’
9 In the end , when all 's said and done , you just ca n't help liking Mister C. He has his enemies , of course .
10 After all , he is nobility , when all 's said and done . ’
11 Father Kendrick 's father was a bishop , after all , and Mrs Kendrick is the niece of Lady Nichols , when all 's said and done .
12 After all 's said and done , he did shoot the man . ’
13 But that helps just to talk to someone who knows what your going through , but , when all 's said and done , I think it 's down to yourself , really .
14 When all 's said and done , Oliver does like to cause a bit of a stir .
15 ‘ A womanly attitude when all 's said and done , ’ observed Grace charitably .
16 ‘ I still ai n't forgiven you for what you said , but when all 's said and done , blood 's thicker than water . ’
17 ‘ You 're very welcome — have n't the Irish and the Welsh a lot in common , when all 's said and done ? ’
18 I 'll do it , why not , what 's a bit of washing when all 's said and done ? ’
19 And , when all 's said and done , there 's not much wrong with a little wantonness here and there .
20 Eileen Harman 's a pain in the neck when all 's said and done . ’
21 So the Armalite joke might not be far off , when all 's said and done . ’
22 When all 's said and done it 's the character that counts . ’
23 the thing is , after all 's said and done if er , i i if there 's a little pain I get it , not him !
24 said and done , mm , after all 's said and done course I well I said there 's good , bad , and indifferent everything cos I know some Masons who are blinking great rogues , you know !
25 He 's not Jesus Christ is he after all 's said and done , you know
26 I mean it 's okay like if you 're getting weighed with other people , and yes , it 's quite nice and you 've got the encouragement and everything , but when all 's said and done , dieting dieting is all down to willpower .
27 I can totally agree with the woman here just now , what she 's saying but the woman at the back of me just now , she 'd said about lesbianism , this is a different thing entirely .
28 Well that 's what he 's saying but frankly
29 No I mean th that 's what he 's saying but I mean
30 that Alan 's saying and I think we 'll have to respect that with all du
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