Example sentences of "'s their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's their back-yard … ’
2 Only the church band — two clarionets , a serpent , a bassoon and an ill-tempered violoncello — brought much vigour to the services ; after the harmonies of King 's their enthusiasm fell stridently on the Rector 's ear .
3 It 's their enthusiasm that inspires me .
4 But that 's their problem !
5 That 's their problem , if they ca n't keep their eyes on the road .
6 Sometimes I think : if people do n't like the way I look , that 's their problem .
7 But that 's their problem not ours .
8 There was this terrible stigma — it was like , ‘ It 's their problem , let them handle it , ’ with ‘ they ’ meaning the homosexual community .
9 However , that 's their problem .
10 If they want to fall off that that 's their problem .
11 That 's their problem .
12 I mean how they ch the fact they choose to sub-contract out to me is one thing , yeah , I mean that 's their problem in that sense .
13 And erm and I made the point that I tipped all your lot out of I said what and I had n't let them go in the classroom and I said it 's a new thing but I said they got their coats on they 're too macho to wear them that 's their problem , you know !
14 No , well it 's their problem !
15 But some firms do , and then they wo n't f they wo n't pay obviously , because they do n't think it 's their problem .
16 Well , that 's their problem .
17 Yeah , well I 'd feel sorry for them again , but you know , if they went and did it willingly , it 's their , that 's their problem .
18 Look , it 's their problem in n it , I mean I just wan na get over these bloody things .
19 It 's their problem .
20 Well , that 's their problem , they should get more bloody buses .
21 Well , that 's their problem
22 ‘ I know he 's their trump card and the big draw , but not so much in one-day cricket , and I feel they overloaded him , ’ Mr Woolmer said .
23 We can never get it as good as the black people do , 'cause it 's their music . ’
24 But if , if , if that beginning , you know , i if you 're going to go for a rich peasant economy , you 've got ta convince them that it 's , it 's their advantage and it 's gon na last .
25 If parents want to leave a child in the garden with a dog , it 's their responsibility , but anywhere else , even down to the local shop , children should never take a dog out .
26 And finally , was she perhaps being judged by the inherent quality of the coat-hanger itself out of which her creation was made ; and if so why should she be judged by the quality of the coat-hangers on which garments are returned by the laundry her parents patronize — since that 's their responsibility should n't they share her grade ?
27 Their responsibility is is to get five hundred and fifty million pounds , that 's their responsibility .
28 I mean it 's it 's their responsibility to er prepare the local plan in the context of what the structure plan strategy as a whole is saying and I think it 's it 's necessary not to just look at this particular policy in total isolation and assume that that is going to give er what you fear to district councils the ability to nothing .
29 She 's their daughter , not ours . ’
30 And wee Kate and Joshua are just plain gorgeous even though it 's their Granny talking .
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