Example sentences of "'s [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am acutely conscious that I have been a source of aggravation to Pa recently over my stupid allergy to vegetables ; it can not be pleasant to see the products one has slaved over summer and winter being regurgitated on to the dinner plate of one 's elder child .
2 It 's nearer freedom .
3 The latter 's lower lip stuck out and her eyes flickered .
4 One Titan 's lower shield flared and failed .
5 There 's Lower Millfield 's supposed to be haunted .
6 The lower level of wives ' earnings is accounted for , in one sense , by women 's lower hours of work and lower rates of pay per hour .
7 In program mode ( again , confirmed by an LED ) , six of the A4 's lower bank of footpedals select any of the user or factory complete patches .
8 If I sit beside you I think that 's easier hello Ismar .
9 ‘ Where I come from it 's tougher country than this . ’
10 That 's lighter stuff .
11 But there 's further evidence of BMW 's enlightened attitude towards safety ; every model is fitted with ellipsoid headlights .
12 I think that may be their pattern now , that they are n't going to stop erm unless made clear that they will be required to do so , and it 's further evidence that we are going to enforce this embargo .
13 agreed and accepted 's further comments and would report to his Division that these matters were under consideration by the National Education Committee .
14 There 's further detail on the General Accident / System three poll in tomorrow 's Herald .
15 Having heard T W Ltd 's further representations seeking extended hours for their haulage operations , the DLA confirmed that the conditions attaching to the licence renewal had been imposed solely to prevent local residents having their sleep disturbed at unsocial hours .
16 ‘ It 's nicer walking here than on the strand .
17 It 's nicer flying .
18 no stand , stand , stand back to back , oh I think she 's taller Jasmine 's taller
19 Everybody 's bigger mum
20 There 's heavier people than me that ride , jump jockeys are nearly as heavy as me that ride .
21 Feature You 's larger studio is also based in Muswell Hill and will be geared for more in-depth make-overs as well as model portfolio sessions and training for hairdressers .
22 Maxwell never did join G-B , but Balcon 's departure was followed by the closure of the company 's larger Shepherd 's Bush Studio .
23 A much more consistent theme , highly significant for this generation which bore the brunt of the late nineteenth-century attack on community provision for older people , emerges when a parent 's later years are mentioned : how their need for support was met .
24 The chief ecclesiastical adviser of Louis VI 's later years , and of the opening phase of Louis VII 's reign , was Suger , the abbot of Saint-Denis , who held no formal office , except during the Second Crusade , when he was regent in the king 's absence .
25 Very often they have a bit of a say in it , because you know that the young girl has n't got , but erm interestingly enough they tend to get recycled to young men and it 's the older men that get the young girls from their older male and it 's younger men who get .
26 Barely a fortnight away from their wedding a young couple offered to babysit the bride-to-be 's younger brother while her parents spent the evening out having a well-earned break from the wedding preparations .
27 Philippa was ousted by her uncle , William IV 's younger brother , but in the eyes of her descendants she had been the rightful Countess of Toulouse and periodically they went to war to re-assert that claim .
28 This , I quickly discovered from liberal rugby followers , was the disappointing result that might finally shake South African rugby 's Afrikaaner establishment to the core .
29 I 've talked about miocenia gravis ; there is it 's rarer cousin , the syndrome , which sometimes associates with carcinoma of the lung , and we have shown that this too is an auto-immune disease in which the lung cancer seems to precipitate the immune system into making an antibody against it , the tumour , and the because the tumour has on its surface the same thing as the nerve terminal , the antibody also binds to the nerve terminal and causes trouble there .
30 So in some ways it 's cheaper insurance but in others it 's erm a bit of a sting .
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