Example sentences of "'s [v-ing] be " in BNC.

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31 One of the people he 's conning is Sir Epicure Manhom who wants a life of ease and luxury and has been giving the alchemist loads of money in order to tu to , to perfect this and funny enough the alchemist has n't managed , has n't managed to do this , to get the person 's money .
32 He 's varnishing is n't he , the doors ?
33 Another champion fighter is Simon Bellettee from swindon … he 's kickboxing 's new british super welterweight king …
34 Well I do n't think he is , I think what he 's put , what he 's describing is a restorationist response initially by the peasantry , all o almost all of these actions could be seen as restorationist , they are an attack on the system not working because of the actions of evil gentry , corrupt bureaucrats , local officials etcetera etcetera
35 and yet the mortgage was three months in arrears , no poll tax paid , no other bills paid , all he 's paying is the gas , electric and the water rates
36 Cos it 's erm , the pre-paid envelope is where it 's going is n't it ?
37 he 's going is he ?
38 She 's going is she ?
39 It 's the cost effect of not having that information , that 's going be a cost on the client if he comes and wants
40 Here it seems that it 's going be generally it 's in the top left menu , but some of them do n't have menus .
41 Well she 's expecting is n't she ?
42 " The one she 's wearing is getting very tight across the — well — it 's getting tight in the wrong places .
43 The thousand pound machine he 's riding is called a recumbant , it 's faster than the usual type of racing bike and has the added advantage of giving it 's rider , as the name suggests , a more leisurely riding position .
44 •Wolverhampton teen-ager Lee Collings has got plenty to smile about — the carp he 's holding is a personal best 19 lb mirror taken from a Shropshire syndicate lake .
45 The TA course 's patrolling is coming on well and the visitor has moved on to see What the junior intake is doing .
46 O K accept it , because the only person that 's suffering is you .
47 The fact of these men 's having been guided argues a body of local botanical knowledge as early as the first part of the 17th century .
48 This is a poor harvest from those weeks or months that the Pounds spent in Sicily ; and indeed it is no harvest at all , since none of these allusions depends in any way on the poet 's having been physically present in the island .
49 Scaevola is less than enthusiastic , but he does state that a case can be made for a trust 's having been established .
50 The fact of the recent move plus my mind 's having been engaged elsewhere might , I hoped , explain this otherwise crass stupidity .
51 In spite of the causal theory 's having been taken over from the rationalist , Descartes , it could be put to use in the interests of empiricism .
52 If the necessity for the agreement is overlooked then so will be the necessity of the child 's having been trained to react to certain things in a certain way for it to mean anything by ‘ It is red ’ .
53 It was improbable in the extreme that Brian 's sterling qualities had come to the notice of the Comptroller of the Household , and she could only assume that the summons had been the consequence of her father 's having been an RA .
54 The fact of his eldest son 's having been knighted within a month of Noell 's death from the plague ( on 29 September 1665 at his home in the parish of St Olave Jewry , London ) suggests continuing royal favour , although his executors did not escape unwelcome attention from royal revenue officials , notably in connection with allegations of his having profited improperly from the gains of privateering — England and Spain remaining technically at war until some little time after the Restoration .
55 It ranges from the Dean 's having been arrested for murdering Paul Gray to the Bishop 's having hired Lord Cumbermound 's beagles to track down the corpse . ’
56 She wondered if she should tell him about Amy 's having been a nurse .
57 ONE OF the world 's major orchid shows is to open in Glasgow in May , in spite of the event 's having been dubbed a fiasco less than a month ago .
58 ‘ Wherever you find a group within society which feels that what it 's doing is seriously different from everyone else , then you 're likely to find initiation rites , ’ he said .
59 I look at people like Harry Connick Jr. , and what he 's doing is very appealing , but that bypasses rock altogether and there is something fresh and very ‘ adult ’ about it .
60 What I was trying to say was , if you 're really bored with him and he 's doing is , any form of bio-chemistry start asking him about the correct names , what are they ?
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