Example sentences of "'s [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 It 's big , it 's loud and it wears an ill-fitting suit : more ‘ youth ’ telly inanity on REMOTE CONTROL before NME 's own kings of pestilence Collins and Maconie perform more of their light-hearted haircuts , sorry , comic turns for MARK GOODIER .
2 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
3 From the outset in 1947 , Barber was closely concerned with the initiation of M & B 's agricultural and veterinary activities .
4 That 's complete and absolute nonsense .
5 The road through the forest twists and turns like a corkscrew , there is n't more than 100 yards of straight in about 40 miles , and it 's narrow and gravel .
6 It 's rich and delicious , is n't it , Bogtrotter ? ’
7 I do n't care if he 's rich and famous ! ’
8 He 's mean , he 's moody and probably the coolest thing on the screen since James Dean thought , ‘ I wonder what it would look like if I pulled my collar up like this ’ .
9 And I think it 's great , and it 's uniformed and it 's played at the opening of , of the Fire Service technical college at Morton March , it was invited to play there with the other bands and erm before the Queen , and er so it 's , it 's gone on , from strength to strength and we are very proud of it , we really are .
10 For over twenty years it has been constantly perceptive and probing in its reporting of the North 's political and artistic life , as well as providing a platform for all shades of opinion in Ireland .
11 He said he knows the market 's low and he 'd rather wait .
12 He 's famous he 's got a wife he 's normally on the news he 's posh and he dresses up smart he writes he writes papers out .
13 He 's famous he 's got a wife he 's normally on the news he 's posh and he dresses up smart he writes he writes papers out .
14 Those last clues , He 's posh and he dresses up smart somebody rang and is it Dennis , no .
15 He 's famous he 's got a wife he 's normally on the news he 's posh and he dresses up smart he writes he writes papers out .
16 He 's famous he 's got a wife he 's normally on the news he 's posh and he dresses up smart he writes he writes papers out .
17 He 's famous he 's got a wife he 's normally on the news he 's posh and he dresses up smart he writes , he writes papers out .
18 I do n't even mind if she 's asleep and she do n't answer , it 's just as good listening to her breathing .
19 ‘ She looks as if she 's asleep and he does n't seem to be having much fun either . ’
20 He instructs Roderigo to ‘ find some occasion to anger Cassio ’ : ‘ Sir , he 's rash and very sudden in choler , and haply may strike at you — provoke him that he may ; for even out of that will I cause these of Cyprus to mutiny ’ ( II.i.261 ff . ) .
21 Not worthy of a photograph I should n't think There 's the Queen Mother again , does n't say how old she is There is the picture of the doctor , mind you he does n't look like a junior doctor , he 's Pakistani and he looks about fifty !
22 Well cos at er , there were n't enough tide to take it away , I mean you ta you get clay well that 's , that 's solid and the amount of stuff I was dredge they use and use it , now we 're not the only ones got it , they got people from Harwich , people from Felixstowe , they were all dumping out there .
23 It 's not funny , I can tell you , trying to tell a sick woman her daughter 's dead when she keeps insisting she 's alive and in Germany . ’
24 So suppose he 's alive and swimming about .
25 ‘ I know she 's alive and I 'll find her yet .
26 News is that it 's alive and well in Eau Claire , Wisconsin , and is even considering an initial public offering of shares — and IBM Corp , which holds a large minority stake , will be marketing and supporting the SS-1 when it comes out .
27 Let me assure you it 's alive and kicking , " he said , reeling off an impressive string of figures .
28 He 's alive and well in America — at a place called Yonkers .
29 But today he 's alive and it 's magic .
30 Erm a little bit of steam around so you do get an impression that it 's erm you know , it 's alive and working obviously not doing a day 's work , but certainly being restored back to working condition .
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