Example sentences of "'s [art] much " in BNC.

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1 Back home , there 's the much more modest second face — the difficult pot plant Hibiscus rosa-sinensis which , although a thing of great beauty , needs regular misting and temperatures which never fall below 12 ° ( 55 ° F ) .
2 It 's a much more normal thing to do in the States . ’
3 It 's a much more exciting and lively place and more relaxed than you could ever possible imagine if you read certain tabloid newspapers . ’
4 The chain of volcanoes which girdles the Pacific is known appropriately enough as the ‘ Ring of Fire ’ , and although it 's a much more complex , disjointed affair than it may seem from this brief summary , it is unquestionably one of the Earth 's greatest physical features , and contains a large proportion of all the world 's volcanoes .
5 ‘ Overclyst 's a much prettier village .
6 It 's got a deeper natural body resonance than the D-32 , but at the same time there 's a much brighter , more immediate treble with a lot more bounce and sparkle overall .
7 It 's a much prettier name than Maldita . ’
8 IN SPITE of all the initial press that latched Drop Nineteens into a very English tradition of sonic cathedral-building , there 's a much stronger sense of American character that runs through all they do ; a kind of gaucheness and wide-eyed wonder that 's encapsulated in ‘ Kick The Tragedy ’ 's dreamy recollection of the two big orange trees growing in Greg 's Mom 's Florida back garden .
9 It 's a much more difficult thing now to establish a serious repertoire with a serious institution and a logically clear and connected recording plan , so that you can build something .
10 There 's a much , much larger range of great designer clothes over here because it 's just a bigger population .
11 I think there 's a scale element cos we 're talking one sheet here and it 's a it 's a much bigger exercise .
12 So it 's pretty , it 's , it 's a much more accurate guide than any opinion poll .
13 There 's a much greater sense here of tolerating plurality and diversity than there was in the English departments , although obviously there is conflict amongst staff about the extent to which such plurality can be tolerated .
14 That 's a much more accurate way of finding the gradient .
15 But there 's a much easier way of doing it .
16 It 's a much lower level ?
17 Apparently it 's a much more vigorous place now .
18 But he 'd take on someone like Glenda Grower , who 's a much tougher customer .
19 I 'm convinced he 's a mu this is Bradbury he 's a much better stronger horse this season and really do think he can bring the beer money back to Sussex .
20 Er , if we turn to the revenue split I think this underscores the recession er , and you 'll notice that there 's a much lesher lesser proportion of revenue coming from advertising .
21 So you know I mean if you use it perhaps the way as explained it then it 's a much better way .
22 For example if you 've got between thirteen and twenty for an activist that 's a very strong preference , however for a reflector a very strong preference is eighteen to twenty , because by nature most of us tend , you know most of us tend to stand back and think so what we actually need , what we wh what we can see is that when we compare our scores against the general norms it 's a much more accurate picture of our learning style .
23 In the proposed E two the only development that would be permitted is that which needs to be in the open countryside and that 's a much more rigorous test .
24 It , it , it 's a different means to an end , it 's a much slower means to an end
25 But there 's a much better reason than that , ’ he added , and paused tantalisingly .
26 By breaking it down into something I can do today , there 's a much better chance I will actually do it .
27 came across pontoon through , of course it 's a much more e , elaborate pontoon now then it was then
28 It 's a much cleaner , brighter place now is n't it ?
29 That 's a much bigger car is it ?
30 It 's a much nicer word .
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