Example sentences of "'s [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 United 's goals have dried up though … and they could do with a man like Southend 's Stan Collymore who hit the winner 12 minutes from time … he 's worth over a million pounds … and left Oxford penniless on saturday …
2 When I changed up fifty quid 's worth here erm on the Monday I got four point three five .
3 It 's worth also mentioning , since you saw it in the practical class , that staphylococci in general produce this enzyme catalase all of these er lo thi this is the enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies it .
4 It 's worth also noting at this point that if you are a tenant and renting and you lose your job you are eligible for housing benefit , erm if you if you were er buying your house , although you do get some er er you get the interest I believe on your mortgage paid , there are lots of other things that do not get paid but the thing is that if you have a reduction in your income which might happen where one partner say lost a job , er you s you 're eligible for housing benefit but you get nothing as far as company paid mortgage is concerned .
5 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
6 And I think it 's worth just rehearsing very briefly that history to get an understanding of contemporary federalism .
7 Erm it maybe that in this alteration the erm it 's worth just spending a minute on whether B eight should just be kept out of the frame for the moment and it 's something that gets dealt with at a later time when more policies are in play .
8 Before looking at this in detail it 's worth briefly outlining what all High Elf forces and troop types have in common .
9 Yeah it 's lovely , some money 's worth there , I think me and you have paid for that car
10 And it does n't last very long , there 's only about two week 's worth there !
11 at party yeah I was in the toilet yeah and this bloke comes in and goes oh and I 'd only got like a hit 's worth left
12 I 'll be giving you my commission ; it 's worth that much .
13 Probably that 's worth quite a lot of money is n't it ?
14 ‘ After all , if it 's worth so much to you , you could be there and back in a day easily . ’
15 If it 's worth more than a hundred and fifty thousand pounds between you at the moment and you leave it all to your surviving spouse then when he or she dies in due course and if those figures have n't altered they 'll be inheritance tax to pay .
17 Anyone who 's seen Glenn Hoddle play will know he 's worth more than a million pounds .
18 Well it 's worth more than a hundred .
19 , well the job 's worth more than ninety quid , I said , I do n't do it for ninety quid !
20 ‘ I wonder what it 's worth now ? ’ mused Lili , scandalizing my mother .
21 In all , we reckon she 's worth around £10 million .
22 We were just watching 4 What It 's Worth about all those people who go on holiday to the sunny Mediterranean , having booked a sea view , and come back with gastroenteritis from living over the dustbins and now want their money back , when Elinor came running up the garden path closely followed by Nigel .
23 Oh the wise one you 're talking about five hundred , because that 's worth about thirty two K
24 it 's worth about that
25 I think it 's worth actually looking at that policy .
26 I get clues as to how a particular family organises its life , whether the room is a room for the whole family or a , a room that 's perhaps excludes children or a room that 's for best , that kind of which not only tells you something about that particular family but , when you 've seen enough homes , tells you about general patterns that are going on in social life .
27 ‘ It 's for both mentally and physically handicapped people , ’ explained Rachel .
28 I 'm grateful , that 's for today , erm my Lord it may sound slightly more erm contentious , but I 'd also ask for certificate for counsel for the thirteenth of August hearing , may I say the reason for that , it 's a matter that has n't come before you , you wo n't know about , it 's this , this reason , because at that period it was n't just the application under twenty eighty or twenty eight , four for delay there was another application er , which was unsuccessful which has n't been proceed today , but cost were also disallowed with more serious reason , I submit that said showed er negligent or that improper conduct , there was a substantial attack mounted , and I can use no other words fairly describe it on the professional conduct of and for that reason my Lord er both cos the seriousness of the allegations , but of course also because of the potential conflict that they acted for themselves and it would of been in situation for us solicitor hence to turn up , er they instructed counsel and my self , and so for that double reason in my believe we should be entitled to at , at first stage , ordinarily I would n't of had a very good run for argument but I , it 's my suspicion my clue recollection , be backed up by those behind me , and indeed by the documents that a substantial attack was mounted and it was in , I have to say in full flight terms , and much hence could n't be said to be unreasonable to deem if necessarily , unusually to send counsel in front of a taxing master , well I wo n't say any more on the point , but that is my suspicion
29 ‘ And has Mystery Miguelito been at Pepe 's for long ? ’
30 ‘ It 's for ever and ever , ’ the priest had warned .
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