Example sentences of "'s [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 What about twinning , do you think that that 's of such a high priority that when council houses need repairs that those repairs should be put down on the ladder and said ‘ I 'm sorry , we ca n't deal with that because part of the money that we could allocate to council house repairs is being used for twinning and things like that ’ ?
2 Yeah , and it 's like such a long thing .
3 It 's a wonder it 's still here but it 's no wonder it 's in such a God-forsaken state … ’
4 Daddy 's in such a state . ’
5 ‘ She 's in such agony , ’ stormed Perdita , ‘ why do n't we just put her out of her misery ? ’
6 Say if it 's in such a secluded place you know if you 're gon na be there for twenty , er for days , there 's no help
7 Er and again I do n't know er it 's only my thoughts that everybody 's in such a hurry today through pressure of this and pressure of that .
8 As I 've told her , now that she 's left him and his personal life 's in such a mess , perhaps he 'll do what these managerial types usually do in such circumstances , and throw himself into his work . "
9 That 's why the country 's in such a mess , that 's what I always say . ’
10 Why do you think the world 's in such a fucking mess ? ’
11 I mean this is basically she 's she already books some flats and house a house because self-catering accommodation 's in such short supply because of long lets over the winter .
12 He says that they mounted an undercover operation to get to the horse — it 's in such a bad way it may have to be put down .
13 ‘ It 's in such a terrible state .
14 Thing is that he 's in er he 's in such a pickle , he 's doing what I can understand him doing it cos I 'd do it , he 's kind of just putting it off having to sort it out .
15 but she sold her house in Jersey , her husband retires in July , the school break , and erm and she said I 've got some good , er when I got home from wherever I 'd been , Rudy left me a note to say phone Val good news and I thought it were her back was good news , but she said no me medical problems were not good news , they dare n't operate cos me back 's in such a state and they have n't give her much hope for anything apart from a wheelchair sort of thing , later on in life and erm , but she said that I 've got a bit of good news I 've sold me house so I said ooh lovely , so she said I do n't know any more but I ring you and let you know , the next night she phoned me back , she said yeah me house has gone they got two hundred and twenty thousand for it , they wanted them out a week on Thursday
16 But he 's in such a bad mood at the moment .
17 Contact with the Belfast Republican and Labour Movements was tenuous , there was no link with Queen 's at such a level as to influence student ideas ’ .
18 It 's at such times , as you sit eating a damp sandwich as water drips from your nose , as you scour the map for all the things you ca n't see , that you wonder why the hell you do it .
19 Even if the wedding were not Jesus 's own , his presence , as well as his mother 's at such an occasion would patently suggest that they were members of the same social caste .
20 ‘ As Luke wo n't be back in the office until around three o'clock , and as the party 's at such short notice , I 'd better go and set the ball rolling . ’
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