Example sentences of "were over and " in BNC.

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1 Six years of war were over and most of us were barely out of school when it began , so what came next ?
2 But the days of aimlessly wandering on enemy beaches were over and specific targets could be raided despite their defences : targets the scientists and planners calculated as most likely to influence the war .
3 When those brief moments of ecstasy were over and the everyday world took precedence again , they stood in shocked silence while Bert Rafferty carried Celia up the cliff .
4 In the complex , indirect manner of Chinese politics , this piece confirmed that the ultra-leftist policies were over and a new political era had begun .
5 And so the Olympic flame flickered and slowly died , the 25th Games were over and Barcelona said adios among the controversy .
6 Whatever , once the battles were over and the cacique 's tribe had won , the man made Balboa a gift — a quantity of gold ornaments so gaudy and so valuable that squabbling broke out among the Spaniards as to who should have which piece , how much the minor colonial leaders should get , how much Balboa himself should receive .
7 She married fellow student Bob Norrie when her articles were over and moved with him down to Reading to take her first job as a solicitor with Dennis Berry & Co .
8 ‘ My lips are not yet unsealed , but if these troubles were over and I could make a full case I guarantee there is not a man that would go into the lobby against us . ’
9 thing and you know , they were over and some of them were doing something and it is somebody you normally and the news and I said the news and actually sort of frozen and the guy said to me , he must of actually seen me frozen there , he said it 's okay , it 's okay , it 's nothing about whatever her name is , you know
10 As soon as the morning lessons were over and I had snatched a quick lunch I headed towards the village with my bag .
11 Perhaps , when the battles were over and Ireland was whole once more , they would return , but perhaps they would simply remain in the hill-farms and the distant mountains , forging their own cultures , making their own legends , weaving their strange secret stories into the fabric of Ireland 's history .
12 It was the happiest time of the day : lessons were over and the long written homework could not be started .
13 Apricot waited until her exams were over and then went down to the Catholic church and hung about until she met Bernard coming out of confession .
14 However , by the 1970s the early pioneering days of computer data processing were over and more sophisticated integrated systems were being developed .
15 Once the festivities were over and d'Aubigny rose to withdraw , so did my master , refusing Agrippa 's invitation to stay and talk awhile .
16 When the main speeches were over and , after Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown and Sir Edward Heath laid into Labour , the House emptied out .
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