Example sentences of "were up and " in BNC.

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1 Hemlines were up and tunes like the ‘ Black Bottom ’ and the ‘ Charleston ’ were part of a new sense of freedom that could be seen every night in Glasgow at over 50 ‘ Palais de Danse ’ .
2 The man stopped the car for the fifth and last time , and there , right outside where Boy lived , they kissed , passionately , scandalously , because by now people were up and there was traffic passing , the first buses and freight lorries on the Commercial Road ; people could have seen them .
3 The day care centre and the new playgroup room were up and running and work had begun to convert a room at Alton Community Centre to a coffee bar for the town 's teenagers .
4 We were up and off early to beat the heat .
5 Before the hoist came to a halt , the Twins were up and out of it , hopping lightly ashore and closing in on the woman , one either side of her .
6 It may be that last year 's sales figures were up and you want to stimulate others to greater efforts .
7 Despite this disastrous beginning , however , Giovanna would be there in the morning , her own family circumstances permitting , and she would be much obliged if the Signora would make sure that her children were up and dressed , and the breakfast eaten , so that she could see that the house was returned to something like the order which Signor Kettering expected of it .
8 So her hands were up and they were off before I knew where they were .
9 You probably felt it today because you were up and about at the doctor 's .
10 If that series were up and running today , one of the widely held myths it would have to counter would be the one which holds that our ‘ generous ’ overseas aid means money is flowing from the rich world to the poor .
11 When the 3 weeks were up and the Scraggs returned , we looked for other accommodation and found a flat in Riccarton , close to Hagley Park and only a mile from the city centre , and we liked it so much we stayed for four weeks having intended two .
12 And by the time Cornelius had left the playground and taken to the street , his feet were up and the cigarettes were out .
13 ‘ We have had enquiries in the past about using our facilities , ’ said the spokesman , ‘ but that was not possible until these new machines were up and running .
14 Just two songs into the two-part set and two-thirds of the audience were up and dancing .
15 A blunt letter last week told all clubs without floodlights that unless they were up and shining by 1993–94 and to 120 lux , a higher standard than many existing installations they 'd be banned from the FA Cup .
16 Er yeah well all , all those things er and I thought the , the diagram was marvellous and you sort of to start with you , you were thinking ahead to doing this diagram and you could see that that 's what you were waiting to do and then once you did it you were up and running .
17 They were up and ready for inspection , with the tent down and folded back into a small square by six thirty .
18 And to see that the salt was there and the mattresses were up and that was great .
19 The dogs were up and down a lot .
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