Example sentences of "were the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For rude as were the galleries , they once formed a highway of communication to a dense and rural population which live on flats or single floors .
2 Because there were The Combs — the combs for her beautiful hair .
3 Loyalty and glory were the themes of the Song of Roland .
4 The only things that looked good were the horses , whose coats shone under their shabby exercise sheets .
5 But where were the dervishes , the munshids , with their singing and dancing and flag-waving ?
6 were the , were th were the dumpers in good working order and had
7 Why were the coastguards not informed of the trip ?
8 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth ( Ps. 33:6 ) .
9 To be sure ‘ By the word of the Lord were the heavens made , and all their host by the breath ( ruach ) of his mouth ’ could mean that the ruach , the Spirit , created the heavens .
10 The report gives the statistical data and the quantitative judgements of 410 regular bus travellers who were the Buswatchers .
11 The steep , rocky prominence resembled a snow-capped mountain , so startlingly white were the birds and their droppings on top .
12 Is it because of this herb 's insect-repelling oils and if so , were the birds attracted by its smell ?
13 What were the birds doing ?
14 Many other films released at this time showed how widespread were the skills developed by Hepworth .
15 The Met , Signals and Switchboard girls all worked on the same ground floor , next to each other , and at the end of the corridor were the girls in the Intelligence office , although they did n't mix with us so much .
16 Whilst he was chasing girls ( or were the girls chasing him ? ) and always looking for an easy pound or two , I was deeply concerned by the deteriorating political situation .
17 Upstairs were the girls , from the similar ages and and one wing of this big school was infants .
18 and when were the pyramids built ?
19 Heat treatment , self-help on the patient 's part , and rehabilitation of the affected muscles by massage and exercise were the tenets of her faith — and I had to admit that a great deal of what she practised depended on scorn for the accepted methods of treatment with splints , braces , and corsets which only assisted the patients in coping with unhealed limbs , not in any actual sense curing them .
20 On the one hand there were the beliefs in the nature and extent of the clergy 's political religious power and how that power was to be exercised in the state .
21 Will the Minister tell us whether any such discussions have taken place and , if so , what were the conclusions ?
22 His Chief of Staff ( Ops ) did not even seem to know what were the boundaries of the various corps under command ; there was no map of troop positions , and no one could state just what orders had been issued .
23 So were the compositions demanded for grants and privileges , particularly by James IV and V. In the same period , royal rents were increased as the crown converted its grants of land to feuferme , hereditary tenure for which its tenants paid heavily .
24 There were the spotlights , the ambulance , the cars , the officials .
25 At the bottom of the scale were the penestai , serfs .
26 How were the employers persuaded to introduce this through threatened
27 We were sent out in pairs after 6 pm in the evening when all the paterfamilias who were left might be at home , to make a thorough census of the district and ask who might be in a house , when , and what were the provisions for even more serious raiding .
28 The other group were the physicians who felt that this was an unwarranted and unseemly intrusion of government into a relationship that is a very private and personal one , the patient-physician relationship .
29 Were the markings on it caused by beak-blow ? or tooth-nibble ?
30 The report suggests that Europe 's universities , which were the venues for the bulk of research biochemical use in 1990 , will find that this will decline due to limited funding and greater emphasis on teaching .
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