Example sentences of "have seen [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some pimps claim they have seen girls with Muslim holy leaders who require their services .
2 But subsequent albums , especially Sign of the Times have seen Prince 's cultural schizophrenia implode within individual songs .
3 Champion McEnroe , 33 , practising with the Davis Cup team at Fort Worth , Texas , issued a statement this week confirming that he and Tatum , who won an Oscar as child star of Paper Moon , have seen lawyers about ending their six-year marriage .
4 Other changes have seen Walmer in Kent operating a 29 knot Atlantic 21 in place of an 8 knot Rother class .
5 Although we have seen benefits in recent years , there is lots of mileage left in Magnus .
6 In most cases this was slander but I have seen instances where it was not far from the truth .
7 We have seen instances of equation between E and E , and between P and P. We assume that equations between P and E are fundamentally incoherent ( though see the remarks below , concerning ( 37 ) ) .
8 I have seen Annabelle acting in school plays/ at the drama club on many occasions but today she does n't need to act , she has a starring role .
9 Seriously , over the years I have seen Annabelle develop many talents and accomplishments .
10 I have seen battle fleets in the Black Sea and the great war galleons of the Caspian .
11 UBS P & D plans a series of roadshows in Europe to present the proposals to Heron 's many thousands of bondholders who have seen bonds slashed to a third of their face value .
12 In education , we have seen campaigns to allow girls to take crafts in school and to be given non-stereotyped jobs on the youth-training schemes .
13 I have seen students who were initially persuaded rather against their will , to use a computer for solving some statistical problem in psychology become addicted within a very short time .
14 Thus as we have seen Darwin pulled a plank out from under the creation stories .
15 I have seen Tzanibey so reduced . ’
16 This gulf is shown most dramatically in the surprise ending , which obliges us to re-evaluate our reading of the novel by revealing that the anonymous , timid and sensitive lad who has been narrating the story of his early life in the first person is none other than Jaguar , the aggressive bully we have seen ruling the roost in the school .
17 I have seen choppers almost totally destroyed from a height of less than three inches , yet have seen many crashes which started at 100 feet , or more , and produced only minimal damage .
18 While the progress towards the reunion of separated churches has been much slower than many had hoped , the last sixty years have seen dialogue and joint action at many levels , from the local to the international , between Christian communities which had for long centuries been very largely isolated from each other .
19 ‘ We are still trying to organise something with the zoo but I have seen Emma and she is lovely .
20 To the snobbish traveller coach tours are a subject of derision , but since the inter-war period when coach touring really took off , thousands of people who could not normally afford to travel have seen countries other than their own through the comparative cheapness of coach travel .
21 ‘ I have seen countries where you substitute a white oppressor with a black one .
22 ‘ Where belts are fitted they must be used yet I have seen parents taking four or five children on a school run with none restrained . ’
23 I have seen speculation about that .
24 He is a melancholy man , much older than Mishkin , with pouched drooping eyes that have seen civilizations fall and currencies collapse .
25 We have seen pairs of words ( a , b ) interpreted as double-precision arithmetic formats , with corresponding operations .
26 For years , social conservatives — who may be fundamentalists , part of Pat Robertson 's Christian Coalition , good Catholics — have seen school boards as a political powerbase , somewhere to challenge liberal orthodoxy on matters like queers , evolution and birth control .
27 Whereas the last few years have seen women such as Liz Fraser , Kristin Hersh and Mary Margaret O'Hara shred the conventions of writing and performance , marrying impressionistic , ‘ illogical ’ words with disturbed vocalising , Lambert 's songs are still very much stuck in the singer-songwriter tradition of narrative and description .
28 Whereas the last few years have seen women such as Liz Fraser , Kristin Hersh and Mary Margaret O'Hara shred the conventions of writing and performance , marrying impressionistic , ‘ illogical ’ words with disturbed vocalising , Lambert 's songs are still very much stuck in the singer-songwriter tradition of narrative and description .
29 We have seen documents , secret orders under his signature trying to protect the Jews from Stormtroop lunatics .
30 We do appreciate all your prayers and have seen answers to them , for which we give God thanks ; please continue to pray for us .
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