Example sentences of "have take their " in BNC.

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1 The same applies to the small quadrant-shaped tiles used for finishing off the junction between baths and tiled walls still available , but in a limited range of colours these days ( sealants and plastic trims have taken their place ) .
2 The neutralist and anti-American feelings let loose during the prime ministership of David Lange in 1984–89 have taken their toll : nearly two-thirds of New Zealanders like this stand-offish attitude .
3 This is because of the theological stance of some that people who have taken their own lives can not go to heaven , but instead go to hell eternally because the sin is viewed as such a serious one .
4 Twenty years of Arthur , her doggedly dull hypochondriac husband , have taken their toll and , in the mood for a dramatic gesture , she books a room in the ghastly hotel where they spent their wedding night with the intention of committing suicide .
5 The residents of one housing estate in the north of England have taken their resident pipistrelle bats , several hundred of them , under their metaphorical wing ; holding street-parties ( or at least garage parties ) to pool data .
6 On the few occasions when parents have taken their grievances over sex discrimination to the courts , the question has concerned school admissions and single-sex schooling , which was discussed in Chapter 4 in the context of parental choice .
7 Subsequent discrimination training thus occurs between the compound of A and its associate X and of B and its associate Y. If the events used as X and Y differ from each other more than do A and B ( see Fig. 5.10(b) ) then it might be supposed that the compounds would be discriminated more readily than would an untrained A and B. Certainly most proponents of an associative account for acquired distinctiveness effects have taken their analysis no further , implying that the phenomenon follows directly from what has just been said .
8 In later years , when natural mortalities and old age have taken their toll , we may find the shoal is reduced to a dozen fish or fewer .
9 Ultimately , when the professional surveyors have taken their fees and returned to their offices , the success ( or failure ) of the practice will depend on these factors .
10 There has been a greater emphasis on cosmic perspectives generally — such as the ‘ panspermia ’ theory ( the notion that the ‘ seeds ’ of organic life drifted to Earth from outer space ) — to explain both the origin of life on Earth and the frequent recurrence of plagues and viruses which have taken their toll of life in the past .
11 The Vice Squad have taken their cue and there have been reports of seizures of safer-sex literature on the grounds that it is obscene : e.g. ‘ Vice Squad rejects ‘ crude ’ AIDS leaflet' ( The Guardian .
12 SIR John Harvey-Jones knows his business but I ca n't stomach the self-righteous attitude of some managers who have taken their companies to the brink of disaster .
13 Uncouth , unmannerly fellows have taken their place — men who are accustomed not to service , I fear , but to rather more dubious pursuits ! ’
14 Years of pumping iron have taken their toll on the 45-year-old 's body .
15 And Manchester United have taken their former keeper Fraser Digby on a month 's loan from Swindon Town as cover for Peter Schmeichel .
16 But while injury and age have taken their toll on the others , Kapil , at 33 , is still among the world 's most effective paceman .
17 After the hearing , Jones said : ‘ They have taken their decision .
18 however over the years neglect , development and a general under-valuing of their importance have taken their toll .
19 Nearly 30 years of use by the present regime have taken their toll , too .
20 Dave Carlson , head of information systems at Kmart since 1982 , thinks that retailers have taken their time confronting the managerial implications of this .
21 ‘ Three operations in a year have taken their toll .
22 One of the principal archaeological sites in Southeast Asia , it has survived relatively intact , but age and nature have taken their toll .
23 In the absence of any details it is difficult to assess the force of these references to biology and sociology … . ( 1 ) What , if any , were the false biological views in question ? ( 2 ) How did it follow from them that women could not be ordained to the priesthood ? ( 3 ) What are the views which have taken their place ? … . ( 7 ) Have the views about women which have now come to be held proved to be true ?
24 At a more subtle level , in both Richard III and Julius Caesar there is a sense in which disregarding portents is part of a more general characterization — of individuals who have taken their destiny into their own hands , or think they have , in contrast to those who consciously submit to their fate.6 However the context in which dreaming is used in the plot has to be constructed to suit the play — the ideology of the culture in which it is set must condition the characters ' responses .
25 In our rural areas , libraries have taken their stock out to the people in bookmobiles and ( to the astonishment of visiting Americans ) made available from these peripatetic points full access to the national interlending system of which Britain is justifiably rather proud .
26 For all the others have taken their gifts and gone and I have come to look for him . "
27 The market place was the growing point of most towns , and they have taken their shape around it .
28 Schools , and especially primary schools , have always been regarded as essential to a concept of a complete community , and many schools have taken their responsibilities and opportunities in this regard very seriously .
29 Years of hard use , however , have taken their toll and my detector that at one time was new and gleaming from the factory , now looks like an advert for adhesive tape , for that is all that holds it together .
30 Not only are the external stakeholders different parties , needing a different rational analysis to justify the decision , but it seems important to convince that group of stakeholders that managers have taken their interests fully into account in the internal negotiation process .
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