Example sentences of "have bring you " in BNC.

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1 A S THIS campaign rumbles on I long for John Major to stand up either on his soapbox ( which is really a box for transporting Central Office typewriters but no matter ) or on one of the Conservative Party 's all-singing , all-dancing stage sets , and say : ‘ I have brought you a dramatic drop in the rate of inflation .
2 ‘ I have brought you some ale and rye bread . ’
3 ‘ I have brought you folks here from all over Scandinavia because some of you are fresh from the States and this little old continent is different from back home .
4 Look , Mister Johnny , what the children have brought you ! ’
5 Trust the powers that have brought you this chance , trust your strength , trust in your love of Minch and your memory of all of us .
6 ‘ I have brought you what you absolutely insisted upon having , ’ he said .
7 That 's the reason I have brought you to this quiet garden , not to some tavern where I would drink myself senseless .
8 ‘ I have brought you your journal , and the cuttings , ’ he said .
9 ‘ I have brought you a brandy , ’ he added when she just sat there with the towel completely over her head .
10 ‘ I have brought you here , Miss Kyte , ’ resumed Miss Merchiston in what was for her a pleasant tone , ‘ that you may tell Mr Quatt of what passed between yourself and my dear mother . ’
11 ‘ M'sieur Rohan will wish to know where I have brought you , mademoiselle , ’ Jacques said uncomfortably .
12 They have brought you a collection of 500 packets of seeds , each packet containing seed from several individual plants — which appeared similar — in a single locality .
13 Dickens does this by his attention to even the smallest detail of the characters ' appearance , which includes their faces , clothes and especially any odd phrases or physical blemishes they have as in the case of Pumblechook and his , ‘ I have brought you , Mum , ’ and in Melly 's and Herbert 's cases , that of her strong wrists and his pale young complexion .
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