Example sentences of "have something [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The portraits of Chatterton have something of the importance to the novel that the living and ageing likeness has in The Picture of Dorian Gray .
2 MERTHYR , who visit Hereford in the Cup today , have something of a celebrity board .
3 C64 board games have something of a chequered history — is this twin pack a ‘ renaissance ’ , the ‘ king ’ of board sims or would you rather ‘ pawn ’ it at the earliest opportunity ?
4 The image , of course , centres around the fact that faith and doubt have something of the same curious relationship as health and sickness .
5 The gardens have something of interest to offer throughout the year .
6 Certain psychological processes have something of this quality , too , and although we can achieve a degree of insight and control over them , they need to be handled with care .
7 While the key features of each — the limited liability company , the use of collective bargaining and the state provision of welfare — all have something of a Christian basis in terms of providing outlets for savings , strengthening the family , and correcting injustice and providing for those in need , nevertheless it is easy to see how they can become taken over by humanistic philosophy — so that they become unlimited freedom to create wealth , the use of collective power and the denial of individual merit and the state as the alternative for the family and private charity .
8 His arguments have something of the character of the Ptolemaic theory of the universe — brilliant , logical , grand , but despite all these things , extremely complex .
9 1 Entertain only if you have a good reason for doing so and only if you have something of value to impart to the guest .
10 These have something of the character and purpose of propaganda about them and they therefore need cautious exegesis , but they at least manifest the king 's view of his subjects ' expectations and in doing so reveal the model to which he felt he should conform .
11 In some respects today 's songs have something of the character of the Psalms , in their expression from the heart without the cerebral and linguistic demands of hymnody .
12 I did n't feel loved before , but now I have somebody that 's dependent on me , I have something of my own to love , and she loves me back .
13 These illogical curiosities have something of the wit of Cervantes ' Sancho Panza , and look forward to Alice in Wonderland .
14 At last I have something of Father 's .
15 McDonald 's work practices have something of a uniform character too .
16 Both acknowledged the lessons they had learned from mentors early in their careers and each accepted that as time elapses heads appoint other teachers who have something of their own style about them .
17 Many specific events also have something of this quality , such as requiring major surgery or needing to sell up and move from one 's home to cover a business loss .
18 It is really in my mind almost a repeat of the situation we found ourselves in , in the Sudbury Western bypass some year or two ago , which strayed into Essex onto which the Essex County Council raised objection , er , one can not build a road in an adjoining County without the consent in law of the County Highway Authority on whose ground you trespass , it 's almost as simple as that and in this case with Norfolk standing presumably indicating their intention to oppose the construction for a day , we have something of a static bar situation unless we can reach agreement .
19 Imagine the very best episode of ‘ Hill Street Blues ’ inspired with the depth of ‘ King Lear ’ and you have something of the flavour of this wonderful film .
20 President Michael Jones said : ‘ At last it looks as though home owners and estate agents have something to be cheerful about . ’
21 President Michael Jones said : ‘ At last it looks as though home owners and estate agents have something to be cheerful about .
22 I feel we have something to be proud of here .
23 Employees are members of the company ( see Aoki , 1983 ) and have something at stake .
24 I know from personal experience that there is nothing more wearing and wearying than continually being knocked backwards and sideways just when you think you have something on the go .
25 In his line of business you do n't get to be forty unless you have something on the ball .
26 Chairman , we have something on the agenda .
27 You could use it er , in the reverse of the way that the theory suggests , which you can actually leave it on the last diary page where you have something on your to do list that you have n't completed .
28 Mind if I have something with it .
29 Well I think that 's a good idea if we have something with that nature .
30 Let's see if the cabbies have something for us . ’
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