Example sentences of "have [been] for " in BNC.

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1 Have been for over a week .
2 Most of them , perhaps , were doctors , government servants of one degree or another ; a few were farmers ( I can think of one , still remembered ) and some were just friends , as I myself have been for the Bakgatia and , I hope , for the whole new country of Botswana .
3 If they 're offered , as they have been for years and years ever since the industrial revolution , things that have been cynically designed for the working classes , is it surprising that we have a nation of people who are supposed to have no visual standards ?
4 Her students , she says , are well prepared for Europe , and have been for a long time .
5 The Faroe Islands are self-governing , but have been for many years a colony of Denmark , and still rely on the government of the old mother country for international representation .
6 As for people in Leeds being sick of the Manc hype , people in Manchester are sick of the Manc hype and have been for as long as people from Leeds have been tramping across the moors in their flares and Kickers to buy ‘ God created Manchester ’ tops and to dance at the Haçienda .
7 ‘ Present values are lower than they have been for some time , and are sticking .
8 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
9 To live in a beautiful country , and to enure myself as much as possible to the labour of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my sigh at midnight .
10 Some of the most effective recruitment campaigns I have worked with have been for limited commitment .
11 ‘ Gentle , indeed ! ’ she said ‘ And if I were as gentle in the market as I have been for him at home , how does he think I would manage ? ’
12 ‘ They are fiercer than they have been for years , right back to what they used to be , ’ he said .
13 I 'm more optimistic than I have been for the past few years . ’
14 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
15 Couples is a naturally high flighter of the ball and that , together with his length , is an advantage at Augusta , particularly since everyone seems to agree that the greens are firmer than they have been for years .
16 Some of the Government 's changes have been for the better .
17 To live in a beautiful country & to inure myself as much as possible to the labors of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my Sigh at midnight — but to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear your 's , to be mingling identities with you , as it were ; — the vision-weaving Fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but Hope never dared whisper a promise ! ’
18 There are old records for every month except August and September , but the records since 1946 have been for April ( one ) , May ( one ) , June ( two ) , October ( four ) , November ( 13 ) , and December ( one ) .
19 Half of all the records since 1947 have been for the period mid-February to mid-April , particularly March , with 30 per cent. , which suggests that there is a fairly regular , although small , spring movement through the county .
20 As far as is known all the records have been for the period spring to autumn .
21 Wintering birds favour coastal farmland and marshes and a high proportion of recent records have been for the Selsey peninsular , the Beachy Head area , and from Rye to the Midrips .
22 Most records since 1947 have been for coastal districts , which perhaps just reflects the distribution of observers at the migration seasons .
23 Unfortunately , most buildings built for the purposes of ‘ agriculture ’ have been for a long time exempt from such planning control as can be exercised by local planning authorities .
24 However , those who are unemployed , especially if they have been for some time , may find it is more important to send out as many letters as possible , in the hope of getting some response .
25 But I 'm in better shape than I have been for a long time . ’
26 These little shrubs are also known as ‘ hedgehog ’ hollies , and probably have been for all of the 300 years they have been grown in gardens .
27 I am much slimmer and a better shape than I have been for some time ( or for months , years , etc. ) and I am going to get even slimmer and achieve an even better figure — a figure I never thought I could have .
28 And trade unions , though obviously weakened by Thatcherism , are indubitably more popular institutions than they have been for decades .
29 Boozy Dennett — who earns £600 a week with his dummy Chick — added : ‘ I have been for a walk to have a think and went back , but it 's getting worse . ’
30 ‘ I am his girlfriend and have been for sometime , ’ she said last night .
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