Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In the centre of the clearing where they have stopped is a Red Indian wigwam , the one Odd-Knut erected a few days before .
2 The entropy we have calculated is for the system only-the system being the reactants and products involved in the combustion of methane gas at 25°C .
3 The example I have given is by no means the only one that exists .
4 If the food you have given is not completely eaten , or if the water becomes cloudy , stop feeding the shrimps for a few days .
5 ‘ having observed carefully both Mr. Morgan and Miss Calagarri give their evidence I am quite satisfied that in relation to the question of execution the description of events which they have given is correct .
6 The best birthday present we have given is to let them have the seven million pounds to buy the campus freehold
7 The measurements I have given are only a rough guide , so feel free to experiment until you find a setting that suits your sound and playing style .
8 He is accusing the farmers of being irresponsible and silly , because the figures I have given are the farmers ' .
9 The saddest story I have heard is one of a blind German boy who had a Rottweiler as his special pet .
10 ( Another curious suggestion I have heard is that these rings were worn as a souvenir of a marriage ) .
11 About the only decent argument I 've heard on this , I have to say that because it was my daughter who advanced it , about the only decent argument I have heard is the one about badger baiting where she said to me but badger baiting is not allowed on your land and that is the point precisely that Mr made , it is not allowed because that is the law of the land and that is where decisions about the permission or otherwise of fox hunting should be made .
12 Examples of which most people have heard are press-ups , stomach curls , and leg lifts .
13 Do , well , the only one I have heard was the
14 All the plants you have listed are terrestrial , respectively swamp plants .
15 There is every likelihood that the versions of antiracism I have criticized will wither away as the local state structures on which they have relied are destroyed by the conflict with central government .
16 Sixthly , and most importantly , the theoretical analysis that we have undertaken is entirely partial .
17 The chance that Britain would work with the French on the new air-launched nuclear missile they have developed is on again , after Mrs Thatcher had all but made up her mind to buy American .
18 The model that we have developed is to attach students in pairs to a general practice tutor in a teaching practice .
19 As we shall see , the controls which the courts have developed are as much concerned with supplementing legislative intent as with implementing it .
20 The scientific and engineering skills which we have developed are at the cutting edge of nuclear technology , and through subsequent diversification , are improving the competitive position of customers in over 70 countries and more than 2000 organisations worldwide .
21 None of these objections to which I have referred is , in my opinion , a present ground for striking out .
22 I am satisfied that a promise such as that to which I have referred is binding and the only question remaining for my consideration is the scope of the promise in the present case .
23 I should , however , make it clear that the matters to which I have referred are more than sufficient on their own to justify outright rejection .
24 What we and they have witnessed is certain types of ideas mishandled in certain characteristic ways , not the impotence of reflection and cognition themselves .
25 ‘ These drivers are selfish and some of the driving we have witnessed was beyond belief .
26 The only other recording I have traced was from the Bournemouth Sinfonietta under Ronald Thomas , coupled on EMI with both of the flute concertos and the Sinfonietta No. 3 ( 7/80 — nla ) .
27 A spokesman for the Lord Chancellor 's Office said last night : ‘ The allegation we have received is that one of the magistrates nodded off and we will be investigating . ’
28 To give joy when all you have received is rebuke .
29 Our trade union has been unhelpful , and the only support I have received is a booklet on redundancy , which at the age of 37 I feel is somewhat premature .
30 Where the education and training they have received is substantially the same as that in the member states to which they wish to move , their qualifications will be recognised as equivalent .
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