Example sentences of "'s another thing " in BNC.

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1 That 's another thing I 've learnt in the police . ’
2 ‘ That 's another thing , ’ Ma said , to the centre tile of the fireplace .
3 ‘ That 's another thing .
4 ‘ One can have a great concern for the people of Ethiopia , bit it 's another thing to inflict daily torture on the people of England .
5 ‘ And there 's another thing too , is n't there ? ’
6 And the Sikh boy , that 's another thing .
7 And by the way , that 's another thing .
8 And that 's another thing I heard : it was n't only bairns and young lasses he collected , but furniture and foreign crockery , mostly from China , they say .
9 And that 's another thing you must learn : you should speak only when you 're spoken to , unless you wish to make a serious request .
10 And there 's another thing . ’
11 There 's , there 's another thing I , another thing I 'd like to mention which Chris has n't mentioned this afternoon is , that is that a lot of the pamphlets that you are handed out here , generate from 's office , copying and things like that , all very helpful , which would cost us a bomb outside , and we get them free , so you know , they , they do help the pensioner a great deal that 's why I said when she came in that 's a lady I admire very much and respect , cos she 's very good to pensioners .
12 It 's another thing people tend to make crass comments about , or crass assumptions anyway .
13 And that 's another thing .
14 " That 's another thing !
15 Yes that 's another thing
16 ‘ There 's another thing you should know .
17 That 's another thing .
18 Also Well here 's another thing .
19 ‘ But there 's another thing , ’ added Herbert .
20 That 's another thing .
21 ‘ That 's another thing a Jew can not do — carry money on the Sabbath . ’
22 That 's another thing you see that that that today you had a a tin ladle and it ever the ladle sort of leaked or developed a hole in ti you did n't discard it and throw it away , you used to go and buy what was called a , which was two little tin washers with a little bit of , I ca n't remember if it was f a fabric or or rubber , two pieces and you put one on one side and one the other and then a little screw and bolt went through , nut and bolt went through it and tightened it up and that stopped your leak , and that ladle then lasted a lot more a lot longer time .
23 That 's another thing they used to do in those days they never do now , a lot of men when they bought a pair of boots , they had them what they called plumped .
24 Everyone 's house , and that 's another thing , if you wanted to paint as your house inside , the cupboards and the doors , they were painted brown and that was a lifetime 's job , they were never done again , not like you do now with this freshening up of paint every so often .
25 And that 's another thing I mean where erm as I got I mean cleaning was sort of a a spring clean was springtime and that was it .
26 That 's another thing ; there 's only room for a single bed in Norris 's room ) .
27 It 's another thing that makes me wonder if the crazed geniuses who developed the first Intelloids were n't perpetrating some subtly painful joke on the human race .
28 But of course profit 's one thing , and income 's another thing , and I think the problem with most er forms of income type investment is that we spend it , it 's not a problem it 's just , it just happens .
29 Er but we like say do n't want to put everything in cos it would take you a while to analyze that but that 's another thing you might want to put on .
30 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
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