Example sentences of "'s could [be] " in BNC.

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1 The 6×2ft Modular Aluminium Tower launched by Youngman 's could be the all-in-one answer to household access problems .
2 In order to reduce the conflict between agriculture and nature conservation in the LFAs in the UK , an upper limit on livestock per farm attracting HLCA 's could be fixed at about 50 livestock units ( 50 cattle or 333 sheep ) .
3 Anna 's conscience said that she must report the whole of her interview at St Saviour 's faithfully to Peter , and then they could rejoice together that prayers had been answered , and that Pricewell 's could be abandoned .
4 Though , as he had already noted , Matthew was aware that to one stratum of society the choice between Annabel 's or Regine 's could be seriously serious .
5 Justification could be given for this assertion by describing Dickens 's view of the London working classes , then describing the view of one or more modern historians , then showing that the two views are significantly different to the extent that Dickens 's could be called incorrect .
6 ‘ The one at Lord 's could be totally different and he might get nought for 100 . ’
7 Yes , it 's could be like Thomas shop .
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