Example sentences of "were [not/n't] it " in BNC.

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1 The fleapit at the centre of another Rose script , The Smallest Show on Earth ( 1957 , Big Time Operators in US ) , directed by Ealing 's Basil Dearden , is eventually burnt to the ground by its old commissionaire : ‘ It were the only way were n't it ’ , he says to the cooing couple who inherited the place in a town stinking of glue from the local factory , together with staff so lost in the past that they still enjoy looking at Hepworth 's Comin ’ Thro ’ The Rye .
2 ‘ It were that doctor with the yellow hair , were n't it ? ’ she said .
3 ‘ Some of our major customers were talking about EDI , and we realised that if our competitors were offering the facility and we were n't it would score against us .
4 He said he was real glad to meet any friend of the little lady 's , and were n't it a turn-up for the book the gent .
5 And there used to be sort of a mush made from haricot beans too that people said were baked beans and they were n't it was just sort of white mushy erm white haricot beans with a sort of red colouring poured over the top .
6 it was right opposite the pub now , but that was all fields then were n't it ?
7 that was moved were n't it ?
8 We thought it was quite something when we got the shops were n't it ?
9 A very nice house in Hatfield were n't it ?
10 It was your father , were n't it , Miss , as sent Master Harry out to America to his relatives ? ’
11 So er , er it were daft were n't it ?
12 Oh , no ch that was government money were n't it ?
13 Oh , well er doing away with four men were n't it ?
14 just air , air was in the tanks the hot water in sea were n't it ?
15 Farther along were n't it ?
16 Well , it always was secret were n't it , in the stables ?
17 That 's four hundred quid , were n't it
18 companies of Ottery as a community place , about five or six years ago , were n't it ?
19 I du n no last week were n't it ?
20 I do n't know , I rang from what time , were n't it ?
21 Too noisy , were n't it .
22 One of the reason you get took on , I mean , it were only a borstal when he went were n't it ?
23 Mind you , that 's what our Brian did were n't it ?
24 Well it er , about that long , about my length were n't it ?
25 Yeah , freezing were n't it ?
26 It 's like your dad were , were n't it , but he 's , he had a hole in his back , so it ran up , and it used to fill up and it , every so often it would burst out would n't it
27 were n't it love ?
28 And he said er ten pound were n't it , but it made four joints , yeah
29 were n't it ?
30 just before Christmas were n't it ?
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