Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had as much right to be there as I , and I was in no position to judge what benefits they were deriving from their experiences , beyond a developed attraction towards pyromania .
2 ‘ And there I was wondering why you were smelling like a — like a … ’
3 The wooden beams and ceiling were crackling in the extreme heat .
4 If one were gazing at the vertex of a tetrahedron , would the view be different ?
5 People were gazing at the still smoking ruins and chalked on a blackboard on the pavement was , ‘ Employees meeting at Victoria Hall , Rollestone Street tonight at 6 o'clock . ’
6 Now thirty-five intrepid Lionisers were gazing at the outside of the small single-fronted cottage with its tiny parlour overlooking the street .
7 ‘ Wedding-rings and engagement rings … the ones you were gazing at so rapturously . ’
8 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
9 I watched the crew of a grubby Polish reefer vessel : they were taking pictures of each other against the background of the Gatun Locks ; three hours later , they were gazing with rapt attention at the passing majesty of Culebra ; their cameras were out again for the Pedro Miguel , for the distant flags of the American bases , for the Miraflores Locks , and for the immense red-white-and-blue bandera of the Panama Republic that waved lazily from the summit of Mount Ancon , over the old wooden houses of Panama City .
10 Three small black kids had gathered around Armstrong 's bonnet and were gazing in wonder at the gently vibrating engine .
11 Donkey Lane It was intimated that a considerable number of horses were galloping along this road which was bound to lead to deterioration of the surface .
12 Donkey Lane It was intimated that a considerable number of horses were galloping along this road which was bound to lead to deterioration of the surface .
13 It was flag bedecked and in front of it a brass band were parading in breeches , green-Loden jackets and cocked hats .
14 She felt almost naked , as if she were parading in her chemise .
15 Later , both Dustin and Voight avowed they were rooting for Wayne , despite the wide political divergence between them and the older star .
16 In the 1987 general election they presented you with a partisan newspaper , as in 1945 : nearly all were rooting for Mrs Thatcher .
17 The Guildsmen were wading through the audience , overturning benches and chasing children away with the backs of their hands .
18 Within minutes , five or six men had taken off their shoes , rolled up their trousers and were wading in the icy water .
19 Perhaps Gladys would join the group of Leicester ladies who were fluttering with anticipation in the back corner .
20 On the buzzer I rolled over quite a large flathead , but it missed , and that was a fish much bigger than the flatheads both Kate and Ben were catching with great rapidity on fish portions .
21 ‘ Edward came to Corfe from a hunt , and while his attendants were seeing to the dogs she allured him to her with female blandishment and made him lean forward . ’
22 Wives were assisting with the lambing , looking after calves , and most probably administering drugs to young stock when needed .
23 Intercontinent were assisting in the formation of Hindustan Aircraft in India , and an assembly line for the PC-5A was set-up there .
24 They were assisting in the birth of government as the modem world has known it .
25 Inflation prospects were encouraging following the fall in the headline and underlying rate , which excludes mortgage rates , in April .
26 Adoption is different from novation and also appears to be distinguishable from merely acting as though the contract were binding on the company .
27 Headed by the USSR President and comprising as before the Presidents of the union republics , but with the addition of the USSR Vice-President and the Presidents of the 20 autonomous republics * ; upgraded from a consultative to an executive body , responsible for co-ordinating the work of the central and republican governments , ensuring observance of the Union Treaty , and resolving inter-ethnic and inter-republican disputes ; Council resolutions needed a two-thirds majority , and were binding on the President ( who had to enact them by decree ) and on all republics .
28 Referring to the concessions the Danes negotiated in Edinburgh under Britain 's presidency of the European Community , he said : ‘ The Edinburgh concessions were binding in international law , but have no value in Community law , and Community law overrides international law .
29 He became aware that men were scheming against him and therefore summoned a council of gods .
30 Away from the island the wind converted itself into a westerly and we were surfing at ten knots even with two slabs in the main and the genoa furled to almost nothing .
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