Example sentences of "were [adv] away " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But you were only away for ten minutes . ’
2 If we were not away by sunset , there would not be another appropriate departure date for more than a month .
3 More than a hundred Unionist MPs were usually away from the House on military service , and 125 Unionist agents served in the trenches ; the party organization was used in the war effort at no cost to the country ; every local party was decimated by volunteers who joined up in the first rush ; and at every level , the number who joined up was more than matched by those indirectly involved through recruiting , raising money , running war charities or breeding remounts .
4 Cos any spare the men or that they were usually away for a har taking up a harvest .
5 The only difference was that the mortar bursts were further away than yesterday , some were even landing in the village .
6 Consumers had always wanted bigger cars , holidays in places that were further away from home , bigger refrigerators , larger homes and well-lit amusement parks .
7 The Captain decided not to switch on his engines until they were further away ; he was content to let the vessel be carried by the tide .
8 The children were still away over Easter .
9 Against that , though , was the fact that , if he and his secretary were still away , she stood to have the same unsatisfactory conversation with the lady with a little English as before .
10 The taxi took them off to a small restaurant , and with everywhere seeming crowded to full capacity Fabia guessed , when they were straight away shown to a table , that Ven must have had the forethought to book in advance .
11 You claimed , both of you claimed they were straight away gon na chip you back and offer you about sixty pound for them .
12 Rather sadly , the sites allotted to these clinics were often away from the main hospital departments and were either to be found in dungeon-like basements or else in prefabricated huts .
13 She had an anxious childhood ; her father had lost clients through becoming a Unitarian , the bailiff was a frequent caller , and both parents were often away attending political rallies .
14 It was with great relish that I prepared to burn it down — while Charles and Dimity were conveniently away for a few days .
15 It was also possible , he reasoned , that some of their number were either away in the city , or casualties of the house assault .
16 It was a Saturday night and I had a fortnight of holiday ahead of me while the Airds were unexpectedly away , not to speak of the obligatory Sunday to get through , the one that would have fallen to me in any case .
17 Some of its members were actually away from Westminster at crucial stages in the campaign .
18 Once they were safely away from other people , Charley Bates rolled on the ground and laughed and laughed .
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