Example sentences of "we will [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 But we will not have finished until cruelty , be it killing or torture , is seen as obscene and impermissible . ’
2 We will not have got rid of nostalgia , he wrote , till we have got rid of the sky .
3 We will not lie down under this . ’
4 We will not waste our time chopping logic with that underling .
5 But if we are free citizens ’ — he paused on the word , feeling it alien but unable to think of another — ‘ if we are not slaves , we must have liberty to say ‘ No , we have no dispute with France — we have business here at home which matters more than anything else on earth — we will not learn to play with swords , or blow out brains with bullets . ’
6 We will not say that ! ’
7 In future we will not be accepting any similar adverts and we 'll be donating the revenue from this advert to the RSPCA .
8 We will not achieve this without institutional changes .
9 That we will not do . ’
10 Ingalls will provide some contract support , but we will not be involved in the programme management , the engineering , material procurement or production . ’
11 ‘ In the coming stage , we will not suffice ourselves with mere slogans but we will embark on objective and responsible dialogue . ’
12 We will not sign any artist who does n't have legal representation .
13 I believe in a competitive world , but at the same time I think we have got to be laying sound foundations for future growth and if we are constantly pressured into satisfying stock-market expectations , which are short-term , or under threat of take-over , we will not be investing enough for the long-term development of our businesses .
14 He left no doubts about BMW 's position : ‘ We will not go back to F1 . ’
15 There are times when it is convenient for us to go to sleep ( the shops are not open , etc. ) and when it is expected that we will not be noisy .
16 The Punjab governor , Mr S.S.Ray , said yesterday : ‘ Every time the Prime Minister comes to the state , such killings are organised but we will not succumb to such terror tactics . ’
17 If you can return it to us within 90 minutes , we will not only give you a new one , but we will give you two new ones . ’
18 Mrs Howard said : ‘ Unless we are given a lot more resources we will not be able to carry out the weekly monitoring required .
19 We will not surrender even if it takes forever , ’ said Corporal Roy Bantung .
20 We will not surrender even if it takes forever , ’ said Corporal Roy Bantung .
21 Win or lose , I guarantee we will not return with our tails between our legs , but with a hell of a lot of dignity and applause from you blokes .
22 Whatever made you think that the idea — of course quite impossible , though for the sake of argument we will not imagine it so — myself and Edward going away together was simply unconventional .
23 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
24 We will not be allowed to forget it .
25 The Queen Mother took the reverse stoically , writing to Cazalet a few days after the Grand National : ‘ We will not be done in by this , and will just keep on trying . ’
26 If Penumbra questions either of us , we will not lie .
27 As Free Churchmen we will not be the helots of either Mr John Morley or Mr Chamberlain . ’
28 We will not sit back and let others help themselves to our intellectual property , ’ Andy Grove , Intel 's combative chief executive , said .
29 We will not be diverted by their tactics . ’
30 We will not be returning to commercial property as an investment , ’ said Mr Costain yesterday , outlining the group 's strategy to build up its engineering , construction and mining interests and reduce debt .
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