Example sentences of "we could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So the Lipsey diagram ( Figure 3.1 ) is as simple as we could plausibly manage , and it is not a definite guide .
2 We could instead scale all numeric values held in the computer by agreeing that this bit position shall represent some other positive or negative power of two .
3 In order to do this , we classify the adverts into types " aimed at women " and " aimed at men " ( we could instead have classified them as " television " versus " magazine " or " Italian " versus " British " , etc. ; and if our first attempt to classify gets us nowhere we might try one or more of these alternatives at a later stage ) .
4 We could both certainly use something , Maggie thought .
5 We could both leave now .
6 We could both have been killed ! ’
7 ‘ On another occasion a taxi driver wanted $5 to drive me to my hotel … which we could both see quite clearly a few hundred yards away ! ’
8 We could both wander down , perhaps , if the rain stops .
9 We could both do with some tea while the three of us are talking over what plans need to be made .
10 I think we could both do with a luxury evening with good food , soft lights and a tranquil background .
11 But we believed a lot in those days ; protected by our innocence and by our conviction in our one God , under whose banner we could righteously pillage the world .
12 It was sleeting so hard we could barely see for 30 yards .
13 It was something we could barely understand , but I had a growing feeling that without my love the whole project would collapse .
14 Since we could barely stand up or speak there was little point in dropping in on Ted and Theresia , although perhaps they would n't have noticed much difference in my case , given as they are to ply me with drink .
15 We could barely hear ourselves think .
16 We could barely hear one another speak above the sound of the nearby mill-race .
17 Although we could barely make out the carcass 300 metres away from us , the vultures , high above the reach of our binocular-aided vision , could see it clearly .
18 It said : ‘ If it becomes known that UK companies have supplied equipment for manufacture of munitions we could truthfully say that when the licences were issued we had no reason to believe that this civilian equipment was for other than general industrial purposes . ’
19 After a few hours ' walking along the ridge we could clearly see Koitobos , one of the peaks surrounding the crater rim — a long , flat-topped buttress with a steep cone at one end , composed of large , dark brown , vertical columns .
20 We could sure entertain up there . ’
21 Then for it slit 2 was irrelevant ; we could momentarily have closed it up .
22 We could simply flee . ’
23 Last year 's Japanese one was easy in the sense that we could simply field the best of our Japanese works of art .
24 Thus we could simply require an absence of relevant falsehood .
25 What 's the point in our bickering , when we could simply relax and make the most of the situation ? ’
26 The process will still remain an essentially entrepreneurial one , but instead of working with a group of ‘ pure ’ entrepreneurs , we could simply recognize an entrepreneurial aspect to the activities of each market participant .
27 We could simply choose the herd at random ( i.e. with probability of 1/3 that any given herd is selected ) and then use the same secondary sampling fraction for the animals whichever herd is involved , say φ = 20% .
28 Most two-syllable verbs that seem to be exceptions to the above might be interpreted as being morphologically complex ( e.g. ‘ permit ’ = ‘ per ’ + ‘ mit ’ ) , or we could simply list all such verbs as exceptions .
29 We could just sit back and collect rents from an ever-decreasing number of tenants .
30 ‘ AT THE top of Wears Hill we could just make out a signpost , pointing inland to Ashley Chase .
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