Example sentences of "n't no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Erm we 're sunbathing even though there ai n't no sun to sunbathe at .
2 I do n't no way
3 You ca n't no way
4 In this picture the teddy 's on the chair but there ai n't no teddy in that one .
5 When the teacher inhibits the child from pointing and pretends not to be able to see the picture , the child understands that the communicative situation has changed , that she can no longer rely on the shared visual context and she makes her reference explicit ( the teddy ) , locates him verbally rather than by pointing to him ( on the chair ) and makes explicit how the second picture differs from the first ( there ai n't no teddy ) .
6 There ai n't no laws .
7 Novell ai n't no Windows NT-killer , it says .
8 ‘ There are n't no other round here .
9 This ai n't no bluff . ’
10 There ai n't no chairs or carpet or nothing , so if I go and see him I have to sit on the floor .
11 Was n't no bone see .
12 do n't put the comics , put the surname as well go and get it from my room , take the information out of the little envelope you must of said ten o'clock to your parents , cos there ai n't no sign of them , is there ?
13 ‘ This ‘ ere ai n't no doss house .
14 The trouble was that if you permitted intimacy you would be thought of as ‘ cheap ’ and perhaps be talked about as the girls at the dance had talked about Paula , only by the boys , which was worse , but if you did n't no boy would be prepared to bother with you for long .
15 There ai n't no music playing or nothing like there usually is , just the sound of people talking and the clunking of the fruit machine .
16 ‘ T is a rare pity thar ai n't no Brownies now in t' dale to do good turns to housewives , with all t' jobs there are to do from morn till night . ’
17 There were n't no draught go through , you see .
18 See there were n't no lorries to get them about we used to have to drive .
19 There ai n't no clouds in the sky — just one or two wispy ones right above my head , but it 's still blummin cold .
20 There ai n't no sanity clause ! ’ ) , but the humour of the occasion is dampened by the fact that this maelstrom of accusal and refutation , doing nothing to enhance the good name of psychology in general or the British Psychological society in particular , involves the principle of confidentiality of psychological tests coupled with the issue of a man sent to prison for a crime that — perhaps — he did not commit .
21 There ai n't no buses running .
22 Turning the British fascist 's ‘ there ai n't no black in the union jack ’ bullshit on its head , 3:6 Philly argue their case over a snappy jazz groove for the original , and rip up Run DMC 's ‘ Back From Hell ’ beats for the ‘ Docta D version ’ .
23 Jess put her hand to her burning cheek , anger overcoming her terror , muttering : ‘ I ai n't no servant to thee . ’
24 I ai n't no building them just to get all out and up done , I mean the programme now looks crowded , but when you look at the new programme it 's just full , there 's nowhere else and no more room in them boxes to write my instead of one every two , three months , there 's four and five every month starts something
25 ‘ She ai n't no child . ’
26 Among the prizes are 100 copies of Now 22 , a double LP compilation packed with this year 's biggest hits — including Erasure 's Take A Chance On Me , Jimmy Nail 's Ai n't No Doubt , the Utah Saints ' Something Good , the Orb 's Blue Room and the Cure 's Friday I 'm In Love .
27 well erm you ca n't no doubt do that at this moment , but I , I think it 's as Mr undoubtedly said , quite apart from anything Mr said er , if there are a several addition er which strangest with the relation to the er important part from our point of view , or an important part mainly these residence on going charges , that sounds reasonable
28 Ai n't no doubt about it !
29 You ai n't no fun any more . ’
30 ‘ Old Glory ’ ai n't no bed of roses
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