Example sentences of "n't so [adj] " in BNC.

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31 I just wish Marie was n't so sad .
33 If it was n't so sad , it would be funny .
34 He do n't talk too much cos his English ai n't so good , so people do n't really bother to talk back .
35 The next top up was n't so good as it only worked on one side and all the pain was concentrated in one place .
36 He was n't so good with 9-irons and wedges .
37 They would be dangerously close to having style over content if the songs were n't so good , and if singer Valerie Etienne did n't have such a heaven-sent voice .
38 But though New Cross is n't so good they had to name it twice , it 's still a place worth a song of its own , having once lent its name to New Cross Records , a Charly offshoot that provided a home for some Dillinger and Bob Marley releases .
39 It also made him feel sick , which was n't so good .
40 That 's when I had to put these things onto dea er put death certificates into th their the doctor 's certificate into English , erm they were pretty good , t others were n't so g , er you know , were n't so good .
41 So maybe that 's kept us going when the times were n't so good as they might be .
42 Yes , but C and G are actually very good er very sound er on their er ratios , they 're pretty good , but erm some of them are n't so good , and you know , be careful when you 're coming to invest in building societies I 'd stick to the major players at the moment , even though you may get a premium by going to a smaller society .
43 It is n't so good at irregular layouts of the sort often used in advertising — but it can be used for this purpose .
44 We went out bit like one of these er soap powder adverts which of these two objectives would you alright given the option to , decide that that is a a good training objective and which is n't so good ?
45 A lot of training goes on about assertiveness training and maybe the word has got around assertiveness is good and everything else is n't so good .
46 What students are n't so good about is actually critically evaluating it .
47 We did n't want to kill them full , you see , they 're , that was a waste of food and it was n't so good for them .
48 It 's usually half past nine till , I was n't so good last night , she went until two , but then she did n't wake up again until seven .
49 But erm bought bags of compost are n't so good cos if you use all er , stuff you 're growing you put erm it back onto the ground
50 yeah no , no the total of current charges was fifty seven pounds and we pay sixty eight pounds in to pay , mind you that is n't so good when I look at it cos there four lots are going this month , this quarter , still never mind eh ?
51 Erm but he just had sort of he was n't so good .
52 It 's hit towards the halfway line , Alan the sole defender for Blackburn at the moment , he plays it to his right , forward it goes to now that 's a good ball down the far side of the field , plenty of er men available , 's one of them inside the penalty area , the cross was n't so good from and it 's gon na run harmlessly behind for a goal kick .
53 In fact , hip hop and body pop are n't so much concerned with pure aggression as with survival .
54 It was n't so much as how to achieve a new social order , but how can I ensure that my son or daughter gets a better job than I did .
55 It was n't so much as how to achieve a new social order , but how can I ensure that my son or daughter gets a better job than I did .
56 Prince does n't so much build bridges between categories as create music that exceeds each category simultaneously .
57 We did n't so much run as squelch , slosh and slither up to the marching camp with the electric storm raging about us .
58 But for the children running up and down the aisles in church or the yobs in leather jackets barging the queue at petrol stations , the elderly are n't so much objects of deference as obstacles to be pushed peremptorily aside .
59 But what they were getting at was n't so much that the coverage was favouring one party over another but that it simply did n't relate to them , the actual voters in the constituency .
60 It was n't so much that she looked old and wrinkled ( if you could discount the gleaming white halo of hair ) since her complexion was as smooth and pink as an infant 's .
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