Example sentences of "n't the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is n't the sparring light hearted and fun underneath all the rough and tumble ?
2 ‘ WHY did n't the Earl write to you himself , Guider ? ’
3 ‘ Did n't the headmaster tell you ?
4 ‘ Why is n't the painting displayed ? ’
5 Oh why are n't the others here ?
6 Earlier a drugs worker had given evidence relating to general drugs policies but Sheriff Archibald Bell QC said it was n't the court 's job to listen to critisism of government agencies , local authorities or individuals who were n't represented .
7 What made you suspect he was n't the person he claimed to be ? ’
8 I want to turn this right round because a couple of people have mentioned guilt and er I I suspect that one of the reasons that women are a bit worried about talking about depression or or campaigning for changes in policy , or more funding , or or whatever , is that for a long time women have been thought of as the weaker sex , more emotional , more nervous , by a , a a male establishment , I 'm talking about past centuries , is n't there a case for saying there 's actually we have a right to be depressed , I mean , obviously it 's normal , ninety three of you get depressed from time to time , the majority of you do n't think you clinically depressive if it is , if it 's normal to be depressed should n't the services to cope with depression , if we need outside help , be there and there 's no shame in it ?
9 Is n't the education authority failing in its duty though , when it has to send children home ?
10 ‘ They ai n't the law . ’
11 It actually , that actually was n't the sentence I made , I ca n't count , it was actually the next sentence I wanted you to look at .
12 Theatre Royal and it was n't the Theatre Royal Haymarket the other Saturday did n't we ?
13 Of course , these applications are n't the fully-featured , everything-but-the-kitchen-sink affairs you get with something like Word for Windows or Quattro Pro .
14 That suggests it was n't the entrée or any of the earlier courses . ’
15 A fast processor helps , but it is n't the secret of great file server performance — for long periods of time , a file server 's processor will be idle , waiting for the hard disk to do its work .
16 Furthermore , decided the experienced landlord , if that was n't the fumes of brandy on his breath he did n't know his own business .
17 If it was n't the mushrooms , what set you shrieking ? ’
18 Did n't the Anglicans try and have it both ways ?
19 I kept trying to ask them , was a bit of bleeding all right , and the pains , but there was n't the opportunity , and it really was n't this much … "
20 Blowing your nose into a coffee-filter — there is n't the opportunity .
21 Are n't the majority of fans being short-changed a little here ?
22 but but possibly this was n't the majority case .
23 Did n't the operation — did n't it work ? "
24 Has n't the abattoir gone ?
25 Always that first momentary disappointment , with Jack Ashdown 's realisation that it was n't the voice that he was most hoping to hear .
26 It says a Christmas service will be held in the oh no it is n't the juniors are now helping the infants with their nativity story on Wednesday the eighteenth of December this was originally a advertised , by me , at taking place at six thirty in Walton St. Peter Church , I 'm afraid this was a mistake on my part , as in fact the performance is rather ten thirty on the da on that day at Walter St. Andrew Church .
27 No I do n't need the rail , I do n't the rail money in er Cos I presume if you pay the seven quid you 'll be more or less committed then to paying the I 'll I 'll get the rail money a bit later than .
28 Leopardstown 's race has n't the charisma of last year when Dr Devious took on St Jovite , but then you ca n't have everything .
29 Do n't the cost
30 It was n't the issue that did the damage , however , but Kinnock 's apparent shiftiness , mocked as it was by the celebrated Patten-Heseltine Hinge and Bracket act .
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