Example sentences of "n't [art] man " in BNC.

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1 But he certainly was n't the man to have in the driving seat on the union side when both management and workers were striving for the sheer survival of the company , and needed to work together if they were to pull through .
2 Did n't the man care about that possibility ?
3 Did n't the man know ?
4 Why does n't the man leave his sheep in that field ? ’
5 This was no reincarnation of some centuries-gone swashbuckling master-mariner , but even so — surely this was n't the man she 'd agreed to work with for the next few weeks ?
6 Could n't the man have brought them up ?
7 Disappointment that Feargal was n't the man she had thought him had been replaced by a sadness for things not to be .
8 Why had n't the man left a sconce burning ?
9 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
10 ‘ I 'll be glad to get to know them all , even if he is n't the man I once knew .
11 Did n't din did n't the man that came to collect the pools last night tell you ?
12 It was n't the man 's fault really of Shell , it was another car really that caused the
13 And why wo n't the men vote for me ?
14 Could n't the men do more ? ’
15 Does n't every man ?
16 ‘ It is n't every man who approves of women having ambition , ’ Ashley remarked a touch cryptically — for when she had been made a director several of her male colleagues had found it very hard to handle .
17 ‘ There is n't a man in Britain who would be able to touch him at lightweight or light middleweight , ’ he said .
18 Brown is n't a man with a big punch ; it 's those telling body-blows that sap your opponent , plus some sly head-butts in the clinch .
19 ‘ God , ca n't a man say anything in his own house without it being taken up wrong ? ’ and the quarrel circled about the two positions until he reached and took her in his arms .
20 With or without heart trouble , Shelby was n't a man to settle for a dull life .
21 Is n't a man 's life worth a hundred and twenty nicker , Cullam ?
22 No , there had never really been anything in Mr McCloy 's behaviour to make them believe he was n't a man of integrity .
23 Clarissa enquired from her bed if the gentleman had a black shirt on , and Charles was in the middle of telling her that it was n't a man at all , but a woman , well a girl , and quite a pretty one too if treasonable , when the record , a 78 of course , ended .
24 There was n't a man watching , or a woman , who had n't had an eye on him in admiration .
25 Now one of them seizes me , and it is n't a man , it 's an octopus with claws — it holds me in its tentacles , its talons dig into my flesh and my blood drips out through the holes in my flesh and my blood is n't red human blood , it 's black like tar , like drops of liquid evil …
26 Less than twenty-four hours ago he 'd have laughed , put his pension on the fact that there was n't a man alive that she was afraid of .
27 You are n't a man , you 're a devil !
28 Ca n't a man 'ave a drink ter celebrate ? ’
29 He was n't a man , only a big , overgrown boy , and he looked quite crazy and terrifying .
30 He was n't a man you could cross-question .
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